Bachelor's in Christian Studies Degree
Blend Foundational and Modern Ministry Approaches
Do you feel called to share your love of Christ with others? The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies degree program at Grand Canyon University encourages you to grow closer to God while preparing to pursue potential careers related to ministry. These Christian studies major program provides a framework of foundational knowledge in biblical studies, theology, philosophy and Christian history while teaching communication skills and the principles of servant leadership. Heed your calling to deepen your faith and reaffirm your commitment to emulating a Christ-like character at our Christian university.

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Reflect Upon Contemporary Christian Theories and Practice
Offered by the College of Theology, the BA in Christian Studies degree takes a modern approach to ministry preparation. You will explore contemporary theories of communication and organizational leadership as you deepen your relationship with Christ. There is a focus on Christian character formation and modern ethical issues, along with a commitment to biblically grounded doctrine and application.
Prepare to explore Christian discipleship and be guided to develop a firm understanding of the core teachings of the Christian faith. You will examine other worldviews and world religions from the Christian perspective. We encourage our students to live a life of service with an eye toward becoming biblically faithful, doctrinally sound and compassionate leaders who serve the community. As you prepare for a potential career related to Christian ministry, you will also have opportunities to participate in GCU’s community service and outreach programs if you choose to earn your degree on campus.
[Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid]
Online: $410 per credit
[Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid]
Cost of Attendance
Grow a Deep Understanding of the Christian Faith
After being taught foundational knowledge in Christian doctrine and character formation, you will reflect upon global Christianity. This includes modern mission efforts, contemporary trends and best practices for mission strategies. You will also explore these core competencies and skills:
- Communication skills within a ministerial context, including preaching and teaching
- Ethics from the Christian perspective
- Spiritual formation
- Biblical engagement with contemporary issues
- Formation of Christian character
- Biblical interpretation
Examine Foundations of the Old and New Testaments
We strive to graduate students who are competent communicators and accomplished critical thinkers, capable of sharing the Word of God with a variety of audiences. In our Christian studies courses, we will cover the following topics:
- An understanding of the Old and New Testaments, with an emphasis on major historical
periods, theological considerations, various biblical genres - An appreciation for theological methodology, the person of Jesus Christ and other core
doctrines including divine revelation, God, humanity and sin - Exegetical knowledge of the Pentateuch, with an emphasis on the application of
hermeneutical principles and textual issues - A framework of Christian character that encompasses biblical truths, spiritual disciplines,
virtues and habits that guide the discipleship process including sanctification
Careers for Bachelor’s in Christian Studies Graduates
A bachelor’s in Christian studies degree may prepare you to pursue a role as a member of the church leadership. Church leaders have the opportunity to make a positive difference in their religious communities and the larger community outside the church. In your program, you can work to gain the ability to shape and influence educational programs and activities in your church and become a mentor to children, youths and families.
Earn Your Christian Studies Degree From an Accredited University
GCU is an institutionally accredited university, continually accredited by The Higher Learning Commission since 1968. The College of Theology shares the university’s commitment to upholding the principles and standards established by our accrediting bodies.
Specialized Christian Studies Degree Options Focused on Your Interests
At GCU, our Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies offers a variety of emphases to help you specialize in a particular area of theology. These emphases range from biblical studies to global ministry. Our Christian studies programs can prepare you for a range of careers in a variety of settings by teaching soft skills and encouraging you to deepen your faith.
Reaffirm your faith in God and pursue a career related to Christian ministry.
General Education Requirements
General Education coursework prepares Grand Canyon University graduates to think critically, communicate clearly, live responsibly in a diverse world, and thoughtfully integrate their faith and ethical convictions into all dimensions of life. These competencies, essential to an effective and satisfying life, are outlined in the General Education Learner Outcomes. General Education courses embody the breadth of human understanding and creativity contained in the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Students take an array of foundational knowledge courses that promote expanded knowledge, insight, and the outcomes identified in the University’s General Education Competencies. The knowledge and skills students acquire through these courses serve as a foundation for successful careers and lifelong journeys of growing understanding and wisdom.
Upon completion of the Grand Canyon University's University Foundation experience, students will be able to demonstrate competency in the areas of academic skills and self-leadership. They will be able to articulate the range of resources available to assist them, explore career options related to their area of study, and have knowledge of Grand Canyon's community. Students will be able to demonstrate foundational academic success skills, explore GCU resources (CLA, Library, Career Center, ADA office, etc), articulate strategies of self-leadership and management and recognize opportunities to engage in the GCU community.
Course Options
- UNV-103, University Success: 4
- UNV-303, University Success: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to construct rhetorically effective communications appropriate to diverse audiences, purposes, and occasions (English composition, communication, critical reading, foreign language, sign language, etc.). Students are required to take 3 credits of English grammar or composition.
Course Options
- ENG-105, English Composition I: 4
- UNV-104, 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy: 4
- ENG-106, English Composition II: 4
- COM-263, Elements of Intercultural Communication: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to express aspects of Christian heritage and worldview. Students are required to take CWV-101/CWV-301.
Course Options
- CWV-101, Christian Worldview: 4
- CWV-301, Christian Worldview: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to use various analytic and problem-solving skills to examine, evaluate, and/or challenge ideas and arguments. Students are required to take 3 credits of college mathematics or higher.
Course Options
- MAT-144, College Mathematics: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to demonstrate awareness and appreciation of and empathy for differences in arts and culture, values, experiences, historical perspectives, and other aspects of life (psychology, sociology, government, Christian studies, Bible, geography, anthropology, economics, political science, child and family studies, law, ethics, cross-cultural studies, history, art, music, dance, theater, applied arts, literature, health, etc.). If the predefined course is a part of the major, students need to take an additional course.
Course Options
- PSY-102, General Psychology: 4
- INT-244, World Religions: 4
- SOC-100, Everyday Sociology: 4
Core Courses
Course Description
This course introduces the text of the Old Testament with emphasis on the biblical narrative, genres, major historical periods, and theological themes.
Course Description
This course introduces the text of the New Testament with emphasis on the biblical narrative, genres, major historical periods, and theological themes.
Course Description
This course is a study of theological methodology and the doctrines of revelation, God, humanity, sin, and the person of Jesus Christ with emphasis on the biblical bases for each doctrine.
Course Description
This writing-intensive course helps equip students to understand and use basic principles of biblical hermeneutics, including an introduction to the nature of Bible interpretation and the application to contemporary issues. The majority of the course focuses on developing practical procedures and step-by-step skills in exegesis of Scripture. Prerequisite: BIB-106.
Course Description
This course is an exegetical study of the first major division of the Old Testament with an emphasis on the application of hermeneutical principles. The class focuses on the interpretation of selected passages from the Pentateuch. Attention is also given to textual issues and major theological themes. Prerequisites: BIB-106 and BIB-355.
Course Description
This course is a study of theological methodology and the doctrines of the works of Jesus Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and last times with emphasis on the biblical bases for each doctrine.
Course Description
This course examines the biblical truths, spiritual disciplines, virtues, and habits that contribute to the process of discipleship, form Christian character, and result in Christ-likeness. Special attention is given to the doctrine of sanctification and teaching related to ministerial ethics and the cultivation of Christ-like character. Prerequisites: BIB-106 and BIB-107 or BIB-100.
Course Description
This writing intensive course is a survey of global Christianity that examines the mission and purposes of God and His people among the nations. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of recent mission movements, best practices for mission strategies, and contemporary trends in global Christianity. Prerequisite: HTH-201.
Course Description
This course is an exegetical study of the initial books of the New Testament with an emphasis on the application of hermeneutical principles. The class focuses on the interpretation of selected passages from the Gospels and Acts. Attention is also given to textual issues and major theological themes. Prerequisites: BIB-107 and BIB-355.
Course Description
This course surveys the major developments within the history of Christianity that have shaped Christian doctrine. Emphasis is placed on key events, personalities, theological developments, and movements. Prerequisites: HTH-201 and HTH-202.
Course Description
This course is a study of the theory and methods of oral communication with emphasis on the development of speaking and listening skills for application in ministerial contexts such as preaching, teaching, small group discussion, and interpersonal communication. Prerequisites: BIB-106, BIB-107, and BIB-355.
Course Description
This writing-intensive course systematically studies the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations of Christian ethics as compared with other ethical systems that shape public discourse on ethical issues. Emphasis is placed on personal morality and an exploration of contemporary issues relevant to the church's public witness.
- GCU cannot and will not promise job placement, a job, graduate school placement, transfer of GCU program credits to another institution, promotion, salary, or salary increase. Please see the Career Services Policy in the University Policy Handbook.
- Please note that this list may contain programs and courses not presently offered, as availability may vary depending on class size, enrollment and other contributing factors. If you are interested in a program or course listed herein please first contact your University Counselor for the most current information regarding availability.
- Please refer to the Academic Catalog for more information. Programs or courses subject to change
Join Grand Canyon University’s vibrant and growing campus community, with daytime classes designed for traditional students. Immerse yourself in a full undergraduate experience, complete with curriculum designed within the context of our Christian worldview.
Pursue a next-generation education with an online degree from Grand Canyon University. Earn your degree with convenience and flexibility with online courses that let you study anytime, anywhere.