Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering Degree
What Is a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering?
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree is an undergraduate program that provides a comprehensive foundational understanding in various specializations, including but not limited to electrical design, electronics engineering and signal processing.
The College of Engineering and Technology at Grand Canyon University aims to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge for the ever-evolving field of electrical engineering. This program is designed to prepare you for the challenges of emerging technologies and encourage innovation in the field.
Earn Your BS in Electrical Engineering From an Accredited, Expert-Led Program
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering is offered by the College of Engineering and Technology. It is a multidisciplinary program, combining key facets of mathematics, chemistry and physics. The courses blend instructional knowledge with hands-on learning applications and practical project management. You will have the opportunity to learn circuits, electromagnetic fields, signals and systems.
A unique benefit of being a GCU student is that you have access to our STEM labs, regardless of your major. In Fall 2022, GCU's 162,653 square foot engineering building housed 21 labs used for scheduled classes and nine additional labs used by students outside of their scheduled classes.
You will demonstrate your mastery of the field through a hands-on capstone project over the course of two semesters. You are tasked with exploring applied research and design projects in an area that interests you. Our capstone project embodies collaboration across the engineering fields that focus on bringing a team of engineers (electrical, mechanical, technology, etc.) together to create a comprehensive capstone project.

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET under the General Criteria and the Electrical Engineering Program Criteria. For more information on the accreditation of engineering programs and other university licensures, please visit our University Accreditation and Regulations page.
This intensive Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree program can prepare you for all branches of electrical engineering, including power, electronics, signal processing and telecommunications engineering. You can polish your problem-solving and critical thinking skills in the hands-on labs that are integrated seamlessly along with classroom lectures.
As a bachelor’s in electrical engineering degree student, you will work in collaborative groups to develop key project management skills necessary for the 21st century job market. The curriculum encourages students to develop professionalism, an innovative spirit, interpersonal skills and essential communication skills.
The electrical engineering program at GCU is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills for the field of electrical engineering. The program is designed to prepare you to be industry-ready, with hands-on experience in the design, implementation and maintenance of electrical systems.
Throughout your program and during project creation and development planning, you will likely be challenged with ethical decisions. GCU teaches Christian values and beliefs that reflect a commitment to integrity, compassion and accountability. As a private Christian university, these values can provide electrical engineering students with a framework for approaching ethical challenges in a way that is consistent with the Christian worldview.
The bachelor’s in electrical engineering degree program guides you through a rigorous curriculum. You will develop a solid framework of knowledge in chemistry, physics and mathematics before diving into degree-specific courses. In electrical engineering program courses, you will develop the following core competencies:
- Understand AC and DC circuits, circuit analysis, filters, impedance and power transfer
- Explore the concepts of bonding and the structure of solids, as well as the thermal, acoustic, electronic and optic properties of materials
- Consider the fundamentals of static electric and magnetic fields, and explore the properties of light in terms of electromagnetic waves
- Design electrical and electronic devices, circuits and systems by applying the engineering sciences, economics and national and international standards, using hands-on activities
A degree in electrical engineering from GCU covers a wide range of topics, including circuit analysis, electronics, electromagnetics, digital systems and control systems. The curriculum is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of electrical engineering while also allowing you to specialize in a particular area of interest. This bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering can prepare you to pursue a graduate degree in the field, which can help you position yourself to potentially enhance your career opportunities.
Prepare for a Career in the Electrical Industry With a Degree in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is a field that focuses on the study, design and application of electrical systems and equipment. It's a critical area of expertise for the modern world. 15,800 new jobs are estimated to open for electrical and electronics engineers from 2022 to 2032.1 As technology continues to advance, electronic engineers will be needed to design, develop and test new products and systems.
As a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering graduate, you may pursue career opportunities that include the following:
- Architectural managers
- Engineering managers
- Aerospace engineers
- Electrical engineers
- Electronics engineers
A qualified electrical engineer may pursue a number of different roles within these organizations and industries:2
- Governmental agencies
- Private engineering firms
- Power generation
- Telecommunications utility agencies
- Semiconductor industry
- Research facilities
GCU can help prepare you for the electrical engineering field by providing a strong foundation in math and physics, offering several reputable accreditation clubs and extracurricular activities, potential internship and co-op opportunities and networking opportunities. In addition, specialty areas of electronic engineering are offered and may include digital and analog devices, radar and navigation systems, nuclear power or solar energy.
BS in Electrical Engineering Degree FAQs
If you're considering pursuing a degree in electrical engineering, you likely have some questions about what to expect. Here are some frequently asked questions about earning a BS in Electrical Engineering degree.
While all degrees face their own unique challenges, a bachelor’s in electrical engineering may be challenging due to its rigorous curriculum, high-level of math and crucial abstract thinking skills. With dedication, perseverance and a strong work ethic, you have the opportunity to complete a degree in electrical engineering.
Electrical engineers should have excellent abstract thinking skills because the elements of the project or system they work on are not always visible to the eye. Electrical engineering degree graduates have exceptional critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills, paired with active learning and patience to retest variables when projects don’t work. Additionally, thorough knowledge of trigonometry, calculus and non-linear math are excellent qualities of electrical engineers.
The timeline for completing a BS in Electrical Engineering degree can vary depending on individual factors such as course selections, academic progress and prior credits. Fill out the form on this page to speak to an admissions counselor to better understand how long it takes to earn your electrical engineering degree.
As of May 2023, electrical and electronics engineers had a median annual wage of $109,010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.3
The cost of an electrical engineering program can vary depending on factors such as whether you are an online or on-campus student, whether you are a full-time or part-time student, and whether you are eligible for any scholarships or financial aid. It's important to note that tuition and fees are subject to change. To estimate the cost of tuition, visit our Tuition and Financial Aid page to use our Degree Program Calculator. Also, be sure to check with your admissions counselor for an accurate cost of this BS in Electrical Engineering degree.
1 COVID-19 has adversely affected the global economy and data from 2020 to 2022 may be atypical compared to prior years. Accordingly, data shown is effective September 2023, which can be found here: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Electrical and Electronic and Engineering, retrieved on April 23, 2024.
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2024, April 17). Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Work Environment. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved on April 23, 2024.
3 The earnings referenced were reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Electrical and Electronics Engineers as of May 2023, retrieved on April 23, 2024. Due to COVID-19, data from 2020 to 2023 may be atypical compared to prior years. BLS calculates the median using salaries of workers nationwide with varying levels of education and experience. It does not reflect the earnings of GCU graduates as electrical and electronics engineers, nor does it reflect the earnings of workers in one city or region of the country or a typical entry-level salary. Median income is the statistical midpoint for the range of salaries in a specific occupation. It represents what you would earn if you were paid more money than half the workers in an occupation, and less than half the workers in an occupation. It may give you a basis to estimate what you might earn at some point if you enter this career. Grand Canyon University can make no guarantees on individual graduates’ salaries. Your employability will be determined by numerous factors over which GCU has no control, such as the employer the graduate chooses to apply to, the graduate’s experience level, individual characteristics, skills, etc. against a pool of candidates.
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General Education Requirements
General Education coursework prepares Grand Canyon University graduates to think critically, communicate clearly, live responsibly in a diverse world, and thoughtfully integrate their faith and ethical convictions into all dimensions of life. These competencies, essential to an effective and satisfying life, are outlined in the General Education Learner Outcomes. General Education courses embody the breadth of human understanding and creativity contained in the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Students take an array of foundational knowledge courses that promote expanded knowledge, insight, and the outcomes identified in the University's General Education Competencies. The knowledge and skills students acquire through these courses serve as a foundation for successful careers and lifelong journeys of growing understanding and wisdom.
Upon completion of the Grand Canyon University's University Foundation experience, students will be able to demonstrate competency in the areas of academic skills and self-leadership. They will be able to articulate the range of resources available to assist them, explore career options related to their area of study, and have knowledge of Grand Canyon's community. Students will be able to demonstrate foundational academic success skills, explore GCU resources (CLA, Library, Career Center, ADA office, etc), articulate strategies of self-leadership and management and recognize opportunities to engage in the GCU community.
Course Options
- UNV-103, University Success: 4
- UNV-303, University Success: 4
- UNV-108, University Success in the College of Education: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to construct rhetorically effective communications appropriate to diverse audiences, purposes, and occasions (English composition, communication, critical reading, foreign language, sign language, etc.). Students are required to take 3 credits of English grammar or composition.
Course Options
- UNV-104, 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy: 4
- ENG-105, English Composition I: 4
- ENG-106, English Composition II: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to express aspects of Christian heritage and worldview. Students are required to take CWV-101/CWV-301.
Course Options
- CWV-101, Christian Worldview: 4
- CWV-301, Christian Worldview: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to use various analytic and problem-solving skills to examine, evaluate, and/or challenge ideas and arguments (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, physical geography, ecology, economics, theology, logic, philosophy, technology, statistics, accounting, etc.). Students are required to take 3 credits of intermediate algebra or higher.
Course Options
- MAT-154, Applications of College Algebra: 4
- MAT-144, College Mathematics: 4
- PHI-105, 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: 4
- BIO-220, Environmental Science: 4
Graduates of Grand Canyon University will be able to demonstrate awareness and appreciation of and empathy for differences in arts and culture, values, experiences, historical perspectives, and other aspects of life (psychology, sociology, government, Christian studies, Bible, geography, anthropology, economics, political science, child and family studies, law, ethics, cross-cultural studies, history, art, music, dance, theater, applied arts, literature, health, etc.). If the predefined course is a part of the major, students need to take an additional course.
Course Options
- HIS-144, U.S. History Themes: 4
- PSY-102, General Psychology: 4
- SOC-100, Everyday Sociology: 4
Required General Education Courses
Course Description
This is the first course of a two-semester introduction to chemistry intended for undergraduates pursuing careers in the health professions and others desiring a firm foundation in chemistry. The course assumes no prior knowledge of chemistry and begins with basic concepts. Topics include an introduction to the scientific method, dimensional analysis, atomic structure, nomenclature, stoichiometry and chemical reactions, the gas laws, thermodynamics, chemical bonding, and properties of solutions. Co-Requisite: CHM-113L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of CHM-113 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Experiments include determination of density, classification of chemical reactions, the gas laws, determination of enthalpy change using calorimetry, and determination of empirical formula. Co-Requisite: CHM-113.
Course Description
This course provides a rigorous treatment of the concepts and methods of elementary calculus and its application to real-world problems. Topics include differentiation, optimization, and integration. Software is utilized to facilitate problem analysis and graphing. Prerequisite: MAT-261 or ESG-162/162L.
Course Description
This course introduces the fundamentals of the engineering design methodology and the product development process.. Students will learn the importance of listening to the voice of the customer and how to incorporate those desires into a product using design for X principles. Students will develop verification and validation tests and learn how those become formalized qualification or acceptance processes. Prerequisites: ESG-162 and ESG-162L or MAT-154 or higher subsequent math course.
Course Description
This course introduces students to engineering documentation, tolerances, and standards. Typical fabrication tools common in a machine shop and the impact those tools have on design details will be covered. The students will work on several multi-disciplined projects through the semester. Prerequisites: ESG-162 and ESG-162L. Co-Requisites: ESG-210 and ESG-251.
Course Description
This course is a calculus-based study of basic concepts of physics, including motion; forces; energy; the properties of solids, liquids, and gases; and heat and thermodynamics. The mathematics used includes algebra, trigonometry, and vector analysis. A primary course goal is to build a functional knowledge that allows students to more fully understand the physical world and to apply that understanding to other areas of the natural and mathematical sciences. Conceptual, visual, graphical, and mathematical models of physical phenomena are stressed. Students build critical thinking skills by engaging in individual and group problem-solving sessions. Prerequisite: MAT-262 or higher. Co-Requisite: PHY-121L.
Course Description
This calculus-based course utilizes lab experimentation to practice concepts of physical principles introduced in the PHY-121 lecture course. Students are able to perform the proper analysis and calculations to arrive at the correct quantifiable result when confronted with equations involving gravity, sound, energy, and motion. Prerequisite: MAT-262 or higher. Co-Requisite: PHY-121.
Course Description
This course covers the basics of managing an engineering project, including: project planning, initiating of the project, implementation of the project plan, and completion of the project. Students will learn how to pitch their idea for funding, both in written form and in oral form, as well as how to prepare a formal written funding proposal. The class will cover the basics of engineering economics and introduce how this topic is covered on the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. Throughout the semester, the students will use the management and economic concepts learned to develop a portfolio and proposal for a capstone project to be completed in the following year. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: ESG-210 and ESG-220.
Course Description
This course presents basic principles, technical details, and recent advances in power and sustainable energy systems. The course focuses on the generation of electrical power using a variety of energy sources such as fossil, nuclear, and renewables. The course introduces students to power plant thermal cycle analysis. Prerequisites: PHY-122, PHY-122L, MAT-364, and EEE-202 and EEE-202L. Co-Requisite: ESG-441L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of ESG-441 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities include research projects aimed at suggesting solutions to problems in the areas of electrical power generation using a variety of energy sources such as fossil, nuclear and renewables. Prerequisites: PHY-122, and PHY-122L, MAT-364, and EEE-202 and EEE-202L. Co-Requisite: ESG-441.
Core Courses
Course Description
This course is founded in the application of mathematics to engineering problems and processes. The course begins with foundations in algebraic manipulation, progresses into trigonometric models, complex numbers, signal processing, introduction to matrices and system equations, differentiation and integration, and differential equations all applied to the solution to engineering problems. Course content cannot be met by a transfer course. Prerequisite: MAT-154. Co-Requisite: ESG-162L.
Course Description
The engineering math labs are the hands on applications of the foundational mathematics concepts applied to engineering problems in the engineering math course. The labs will apply algebra, trigonometry, matrices, differential and integral calculus, and differential equations to various engineering problems. Course content cannot be met by a transfer course. Prerequisite: MAT-154. Co-Requisite: ESG-162.
Course Description
This is the second course in a two-semester introduction to chemistry intended for undergraduates pursuing careers in the health professions and others desiring a firm foundation in chemistry. Upon successful completion of this course, students are able to demonstrate knowledge and/or skill in solving problems involving the principles of chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and thermodynamics; understanding chemical reactions using kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics; comparing and contrasting the principal theories of acids and bases; solving equilibrium involving acids, bases, and buffers; describing solubility equilibrium; describing terms associated with electrochemistry and solving problems associated with electrochemistry; and describing the fundamentals of nuclear chemistry. Prerequisites: CHM-113 and MAT-154 or higher. Co-Requisite: CHM-115L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of CHM-115 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Experiments include determination of rate law, examples of Le Châtelier’s principle, the use of pH indicators, buffer preparation, experimental determination of thermodynamic quantities, the use of electrochemical cells, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. Prerequisites: CHM-113L and MAT-154 or higher. Co-Requisite: CHM-115.
Course Description
This course introduces students to the basics of computer programming. Students will learn to develop algorithms to solve engineering problems, and the implementation of those algorithms in the C language. This course will include using C program for embedded devices for interacting with the world around them. Topics include assembly language, C programming language, and real time programming. MATLAB will be taught in the course to introduce students to rapid development tools and allow for flexibility in prototyping. Concepts of Object Oriented (OO) programming will be included in the MATLAB section of this course. Hands-on activities focus on writing code that implements concepts discussed in lecture and on gaining initial exposure to common microcontrollers. Prerequisites: ESG-162 and ESG-162L or MAT-261.
Course Description
This course introduces students to the basics of computer-aided design. Students will learn to produce great designs using computer-aided design software. Topics include 2-D and 3-D design and modeling, mechanical tolerances, and electrical and mechanical design integration. Hands-on activities focus on the design and integration of different subsystems, electrical and mechanical. Prerequisites: ESG-162 and ESG-162L.
Course Description
This course provides a rigorous treatment of the concepts and methods of integral, multivariable, and vector calculus and its application to real-world problems. Prerequisite: MAT-262.
Course Description
This course focus is on the analysis of two- and three-dimensional forces on a system in an equilibrium (static) state. Further, it discusses real world applications for static analyses via simple trusses, frames, machines, and beams. Additional topics covered include properties of areas, second moments, internal forces in beams, laws of friction, and static simulation in Solidworks. Prerequisite: PHY-121, PHY-121L, ESG-251.
Course Description
This course provides students with a strong foundation in core areas of electrical engineering. Students will learn the main ideas of circuits and their enabling role in electrical engineering components, devices, and systems. The course offers in-depth coverage of AC & DC circuits, circuit analysis, filters, impedance, power transfer, applications of Laplace transforms, and op-amps. Prerequisites: MAT-262, PHY-121 and PHY-121L. Co-Requisite: PHY-122, PHY-122L, EEE-202L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of EEE-202 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities focus problem solving using scientific computation tools, simulations, and various programming languages. Prerequisites: MAT-262, PHY-121 and PHY-121L. Co-Requisite: PHY-122, PHY-122L, EEE-202.
Course Description
This course focuses on solutions and qualitative study of linear systems of ordinary differential equations, and on the analysis of classical partial differential equations. Topics include first- and second-order equations; series solutions; Laplace transform solutions; higher order equations; Fourier series; second-order partial differential equations. Boundary value problems, electrostatics, and quantum mechanics provide the main context in this course. Prerequisite: MAT-253 or MAT-264.
Course Description
This calculus-based course is the second in a 1-year introductory physics sequence. In this course, the basics of three areas in physics are covered, including electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. The sequence of topics includes an introduction to electric and magnetic fields. This is followed by the nature of light as an electromagnetic wave and topics associated with geometric optics. The final topic discussed in the course is quantum mechanics. Prerequisites: PHY-121 and PHY-121L. Co-Requisite: PHY-122L.
Course Description
This course utilizes lab experimentation to practice concepts of physical principles introduced in the PHY-122 lecture course. Some of the topics students understand and analyze involve the relationship between electric charges and insulators/conductors, magnetism in physics, energy transformations in electric circuits, the relationship between magnetism and electricity, and how they relate to the medical industry. Prerequisites: PHY-121 and PHY-121L. Co-Requisite: PHY-122.
Course Description
This project-based course will cover the design and implementation of a microcontroller embedded system. Students will learn embedded system architecture, assembly language programming, interfacing to peripherals, interrupt handling, and debugging/troubleshooting techniques and tools. Prerequisite: ESG-111.
Course Description
This class will introduce statistical process control and teach proper engineering experimental design and analysis techniques. Concepts introduced will include process variability, statistical controls, factorial, blocking and confounding as applied to engineering problems. Prerequisite: MAT-262.
Course Description
Apply the stochastic process to the modeling and solution of the engineering problems. The course introduces the students to modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty in engineering problems; all building into an introduction to Markov chains, random walks, and Galton-Watson tree and their applications in engineering. Prerequisite: MAT-364.
Course Description
This course is intended primarily for mathematics, science, and engineering students. The goal of the course is to impart the concepts and techniques of modern linear algebra (over the real scalar field) with a significant level of rigor. Students write clearly about the concepts of linear algebra (definitions, counterexamples, simple proofs), and apply theory to examples. The course emphasizes the practical nature of solutions to linear algebra problems. Students implement some of these solutions, where appropriate, as computer programs. Prerequisite: MAT-264 or MAT-253
Course Description
This course provides a general background on the field of materials science. The course builds upon prior study of general chemistry and develops the concepts of bonding and the structure of solids. Building on prior study of physics, the course introduces topics in solid state physics and devices. Additional topics may include electronic properties of materials as well as their thermal, mechanical, acoustic, and optical properties. Prerequisites: PHY-122, PHY-122L, CHM-115, and CHM-115L. Co-Requisite: STG-242L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of STG-242 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities include applying numerical solutions for properties and characteristics of given materials using data on their properties, and characterization of materials properties for given engineering applications. Prerequisites: PHY-122, PHY-122L, CHM-115, and CHM-115L. Co-Requisite: STG-242.
Course Description
This course bridges theoretical mathematical foundations and practical implementation of circuits and computer algorithms. The course presents applications in engineering, physics, feedback and control, communications, and signal processing. Topics covered include: CT and DT signals and systems, linearity, time-invariant systems, causality, transient and steady state responses, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, Z transforms, sampling, state variables, and feedback systems. Prerequisites: MAT-364, EEE-202 and EEE-202L. Co-Requisite: MAT-345, EEE-213L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of EEE-213 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities focus problem solving using scientific computation tools, and various programming languages. In particular, students work on system simulation and real-time signal processing. Prerequisites: MAT-364, EEE-202 and EEE-202L. Co-Requisite: MAT-345, EEE-213.
Course Description
This course focuses on the analysis and design of filters, circuits, converter modeling, and signal transfer functions. Additional topics covered include non-ideal active devices, and an introduction to digital circuits. The laboratory reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities engage students in projects such as the design, analysis, simulation, and construction of a switched-mode power supply; solve complex design problems, or the use of modern analog circuits. Prerequisites: MAT-364, EEE-202 and EEE-202L.
Course Description
This course develops the fundamentals of static electric and magnetic fields, physical optics, and describes the properties of light in terms of electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: MAT-364, PHY-122 and PHY-122L. Co-Requisite: STG-350L.
Course Description
The laboratory section of STG-350 reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities focus on the use of analytical techniques to solve problems and interpret results physically, Smith Chart and its applications to transmission lines, and general solutions of Faraday's Law and Maxwell's equations. Prerequisites: MAT-364, PHY-122 and PHY-122L. Co-Requisite: STG-350.
Course Description
This class will cover the design and application of digital logic circuits, including combination and sequential logic. Students will analyze, design, verify, and test logic circuits as applied to solve engineering problems. The class will cover a range of mathematical objects, algorithms, number theory, and counting. Prerequisites: MAT-262 and EEE-212.
Course Description
This course develops the foundations of electrical communications and differences between analog and digital modulation. Main topics covered include: analog signal transmission and reception, effects of noise in analog communications, sampling, digital information sources, entropy, source coding, waveform coding, and PCM Digital transmission through AWGN through band-limited channels. The laboratory reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities include channel coding, wireless and mobile networks, and signal processing using Matlab. Prerequisites: EEE-213 and EEE-213L, EEE-302, and MAT-374 OR ESG-374 and ESG-384.
Course Description
This course introduces students to the principles of electrical engineering design. It provides a solid foundation in electrical engineering design. Students will learn to produce great electrical engineering designs taking into consideration requirements, standards and regulatory compliance. Design of electrical and electronic devices, circuits, and systems by the application of the engineering sciences, economics, and national and international standards. Hands-on activities focus on the design and integration of different subsystems. Topics include electrical engineering modeling, simulations, and integration. Prerequisite: EEE-302, ESG-395. Co-Requisite: ESG-451.
Course Description
The first capstone is a writing intensive course that provides students the opportunity to work in teams to tackle real world applied research and design projects in their chosen area of interest. Students develop a project proposal, conduct a feasibility study, learn to protect intellectual property, develop teamwork skills, budgets, and a schedule for completing the project. Students conduct extensive research, integrate information from multiple sources, and work with a mentor through multiple cycles of feedback and revisions. Students use this course to further develop technical writing and business presentation skills. Prerequisite: ESG-395.
Course Description
This course introduces current trends in computer architecture with a focus on performance measurement, instruction sets, computer arithmetic, design and control of a data path, pipelining, memory hierarchies, input and output, and a brief introduction to multiprocessors. The laboratory reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities focus on writing assembly language code that implements concepts discussed in the lecture course, focusing on registers, processes, threads, and I/O management. Prerequisites: (CST-210 and CST-215), or EEE-315.
Course Description
This course builds on knowledge acquired in previous courses on advanced circuits to expand the coverage of the design and analysis of integrated circuit amplifiers and the design and analysis of feedback amplifiers. Specific topics covered in this course may include: electronics and manufacturing of integrated circuits, microwave/RF amplifiers, linear amplifiers, mixers, and advanced digital and analog circuits. The laboratory reinforces and expands learning of principles introduced in the lecture course. Hands-on activities focus on the design, assembly, and testing electronic circuits that use diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: EEE-302 or EEE-202.
Course Description
The second capstone is a writing intensive course that provides students the opportunity to implement and present the applied research project designed, planned, and started in the first capstone course. The capstone project is a culmination of all the learning experiences in an engineering program. Students conduct extensive research, integrate information from multiple sources, and work with a mentor through multiple cycles of feedback and revision. Prerequisite: ESG-451.
Course Description
This course presents the fundamentals of analog and digital control systems. Analysis and design of linear control systems using physical system models. Analysis and control of nonlinear systems are introduced. Hands-on activities focus on the design, assembly and testing of electronic control systems. Prerequisites: EEE-213 and EEE-213L.
Course Description
This project-based course will consolidate the student’s knowledge of the electrical engineering design process from concept/idea to manufacturing. It provides sufficient depth of the design process to enable students to contribute in the solution of real-world engineering problems. Prerequisite: EEE-473. Co-Requisite: ESG-452.
- GCU cannot and will not promise job placement, a job, graduate school placement, transfer of GCU program credits to another institution, promotion, salary, or salary increase. Please see the Career Services Policy in the University Policy Handbook.
- Please note that this list may contain programs and courses not presently offered, as availability may vary depending on class size, enrollment and other contributing factors. If you are interested in a program or course listed herein please first contact your University Counselor for the most current information regarding availability.
- Please refer to the Academic Catalog for more information. Programs or courses subject to change
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