Author Details

Adam Maynes
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
An undergrad graduate of ASU with a degree in Secondary Education, Adam Maynes received a master’s degree in American History from APUS. Prior to and following the master’s, he taught history, music, English, government, and astronomy at several local high schools, and later began as an Adjunct for GCU. After two years, he accepted the opportunity for the position of lecturer, teaching American and World History Themes, while also teaching Social Studies Methods to prospective Secondary Education teachers.
Adam strives to bring history alive with his unique style of teaching the past through the prism of the present. Utilizing specific techniques that seek to engage students throughout all phases of class, he endeavors to bring about a healthy respect for the past through his constant focus on the student’s roles in our present world, as well as their part in shaping the future.
Adam strives to bring history alive with his unique style of teaching the past through the prism of the present. Utilizing specific techniques that seek to engage students throughout all phases of class, he endeavors to bring about a healthy respect for the past through his constant focus on the student’s roles in our present world, as well as their part in shaping the future.
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