Author Details

Tanya Mooney
Adjunct Faculty, College of Education
André Mooney is a “military brat” of African American descent. He received a BSBA in Marketing (1996) and an MDiv in Theology (2004) from Golden Gate Baptist Seminary (Scottsdale, AZ). He is a licensed ordained minister (Southern Baptist Convention) and currently serving as a USAFR Chaplain for 943rd Rescue Group (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ). He is married to Tanya and they have three children and two grandchildren.

Faculty Spotlight
Who am I and how did God lead me here?
I am the son of a single mother who raised my brother, David, and I. My mother proudly served in the USAF for 33 years, and my brother is also serving with 22 years, so my affinity for the military is genetic. Currently, I am finishing up my dissertation which has been quite the challenge. I enjoy sports having coached college football for four years. As I mature, I continue to play basketball although; my game is a “shadow” of what it used to be.

What do I enjoy most in the College of Theology and in my ministry?
I enjoy being a part of a team that is actively mentoring college students in the discovery of God’s love and his plan for their lives. Teaching Christian Worldview (CWV) is a privilege, one I take extremely seriously as it is my calling to equip every student in my class with the truth and application of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What advice do I have for theology students?
Embrace thinking critically; do not take anyone at their word, study, struggle and study some more in seeking the truth as it is available. When you find it, seek out a group (church, peers, mission, etc.) that shares your convictions and align yourself as a participant of a “movement in truth.” You are our future and our world needs beacons of truth!  (Philippians 2:14-15)