Author Details

Carly Jennings
Carly Jennings
Marketing and Advertising Student, GCU
Carly is a student worker on the digital marketing content team. She produces blog content for humanities and social sciences, doctoral studies and spiritual life.

Carly is a Marketing and Advertising major and Biblical Studies minor here at GCU. She has always had a passion for anything creative and grew up loving writing, design and performing arts. She feels blessed to be pursuing a business degree in marketing and feels it suits her interests and skills wonderfully. Carly is also a member of the Honor’s College and is active in Local Outreach ministries on campus.

She enjoys spending time around campus visiting friends, taking yoga classes or relaxing outside listening to music. Carly was born and raised in sunny San Diego, California. She loves the ocean and frequently finds herself driving along Pacific Coast Highway just to see the water, even if it is a complete detour from her route! In the summer, she surfs, paddleboards, and goes to the pool almost daily. In the winter, Carly enjoys sailing around Mission Bay with her dad, taking walks and grabbing coffee with her mom and dog, and listening to records from her vintage vinyl collection.

Carly spent her freshman year of college at San Diego State University but transferred to Grand Canyon because she wanted to experience living in a new place. With Phoenix being only a five-and-a-half-hour drive from San Diego, and the Valley’s yearlong sunshine, she knew it was a great move for her. She knows God works continuously in her life and is grateful for every opportunity he has provided her with that has lead her to where she is today.