Author Details

Jonathan Sharpe
Jonathan Sharpe, M.A
Faculty, College of Theology
Jonathan holds an M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and a B.A. in History from Seattle Pacific University. He is currently a Ph.D. student in theology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Jonathan’s interests include history, film, urban ministry and Bonhoeffer studies. He is also a screenwriter with a current film, “The Hearts of Men,” in production for a 2015 release. He and his wife, Amy, have two children.

Faculty Spotlight
Tell us a little about yourself?
I grew up in a family that believed that every Christian was called to be a missionary. That idea took my parents into roles in ministry, business and the academy where they fulfilled the same calling in a variety of settings. Growing up with such an outward moving view of ministry gave me the courage to focus first on who God was calling me to be and second on where He sent me and how He used me there. I’ve worked in a variety of businesses, in the security sector, as a youth pastor, writer, filmmaker, missionary and professor, and have discovered that all of the skills and lessons learned in those places have played a role in shaping who I am and how I live out God’s calling on my life.

What do I enjoy most in the College of Theology and in my ministry?
I enjoy the opportunity to talk freely and honestly about God, the world and us. I also love that I get to spend so much time talking about the real meaning-of-life stuff with so many incredible people. I also truly enjoy the brilliant and engaging colleagues that I get to work with every day.

What advice do I have for theology students?
Remember how much you are loved and are called to love others in your life. Strive for excellence and do your best to fulfill the calling that God has placed on your life, but don’t push so hard to fulfill your career, dreams or calling that you miss out on the little things that matter most. I believe that the love of Christians for others is the greatest evidence of the presence of Jesus in the world today. When our time comes to pass away, I believe that our only regrets in life will be about not loving enough. Don’t hold back your love from those whom God has given you, but make sure to let yourself love and be loved as Jesus leads our hearts: Listen to that gentle voice that calls us to stop, rest and love!