Author Details

Dr. Joshua M. Greever, PhD
College of Theology
Dr. Greever is an instructor of New Testament in the College of Theology at GCU. He received an MDiv and a PhD in New Testament before becoming a professor. He is married to Amelia and has four children. He loves the local church, reading books, and rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals.
Faculty Spotlight
I became a Christian when I was a young boy. I grew up in a family that loved God and treasured the gospel, so from a very early age I was aware of my sin and my need for a Savior. One evening I became keenly aware that if I died at that moment I would be judged in full for my sin, so I looked away from myself and trusted in Christ and his death on the cross for the forgiveness of my sin and my hope of eternal life. I was subsequently baptized and began a life of following Jesus. Although the struggle against sin has not abated, to this day by God’s grace I have continued in the faith. My hope and joy ultimately rest in the gospel of Christ because in it is contained the good news of righteousness before God (see Romans 1:16-17).
I love the local church because it is at the center of what God is doing in the world. My passion, in particular, is bringing God’s word to people in a clear and articulate way so that they would know God more fully. It is a privilege to join God in his redemptive work in the world by heralding and showing the truth of Christ.
Get plugged into a local church and find areas in the church where you can serve. Typically theology students are on a career path of leadership within the local church. One of the best ways to prepare for being a godly leader in the church is to serve in various capacities as a faithful church member, for the godliest leaders in our churches are those who are the most servant-hearted. So, get used to serving in a church in the present so that it will prepare you for servant leadership in the future.
I enjoy seeing students grow in their faith in Christ and their love for the gospel. God’s word is powerful (Hebrews 4:12) and brings about the transformation of the mind and the heart. I am extremely privileged to be an agent of this transformation by helping students understand the Bible and how it relates to them as individuals. I also am privileged to work alongside my colleagues in the College of Theology. Although we come from a variety of traditions and backgrounds within Christianity, we love the gospel and work together at a fundamental level to make Christ known in Phoenix and around the world.
“Between Paul and James: Faith and Works in 1 Clement 29.1-32.4.” Fides et Humilitas: The Journal for the Center for Ancient Christian Studies 2 (Summer, 2015): 25-46. Accessed April 21, 2016.
“‘We are the Temple of the Living God’ (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1): The New Covenant as the Fulfillment of God’s Promise of Presence.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19.3 (2015): 97-118. Accessed April 21, 2016. http://www.sbts.edu/resources/journal-of-theology/sbjt-193-fall-2015/we-are-the-temple-of-the-living-god-2-corinthians-614-71-the-new-covenant-as-the-fulfillment-of-gods-promise-of-presence/
Faculty Spotlight
I became a Christian when I was a young boy. I grew up in a family that loved God and treasured the gospel, so from a very early age I was aware of my sin and my need for a Savior. One evening I became keenly aware that if I died at that moment I would be judged in full for my sin, so I looked away from myself and trusted in Christ and his death on the cross for the forgiveness of my sin and my hope of eternal life. I was subsequently baptized and began a life of following Jesus. Although the struggle against sin has not abated, to this day by God’s grace I have continued in the faith. My hope and joy ultimately rest in the gospel of Christ because in it is contained the good news of righteousness before God (see Romans 1:16-17).
I love the local church because it is at the center of what God is doing in the world. My passion, in particular, is bringing God’s word to people in a clear and articulate way so that they would know God more fully. It is a privilege to join God in his redemptive work in the world by heralding and showing the truth of Christ.
Get plugged into a local church and find areas in the church where you can serve. Typically theology students are on a career path of leadership within the local church. One of the best ways to prepare for being a godly leader in the church is to serve in various capacities as a faithful church member, for the godliest leaders in our churches are those who are the most servant-hearted. So, get used to serving in a church in the present so that it will prepare you for servant leadership in the future.
I enjoy seeing students grow in their faith in Christ and their love for the gospel. God’s word is powerful (Hebrews 4:12) and brings about the transformation of the mind and the heart. I am extremely privileged to be an agent of this transformation by helping students understand the Bible and how it relates to them as individuals. I also am privileged to work alongside my colleagues in the College of Theology. Although we come from a variety of traditions and backgrounds within Christianity, we love the gospel and work together at a fundamental level to make Christ known in Phoenix and around the world.
“Between Paul and James: Faith and Works in 1 Clement 29.1-32.4.” Fides et Humilitas: The Journal for the Center for Ancient Christian Studies 2 (Summer, 2015): 25-46. Accessed April 21, 2016.
“‘We are the Temple of the Living God’ (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1): The New Covenant as the Fulfillment of God’s Promise of Presence.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19.3 (2015): 97-118. Accessed April 21, 2016. http://www.sbts.edu/resources/journal-of-theology/sbjt-193-fall-2015/we-are-the-temple-of-the-living-god-2-corinthians-614-71-the-new-covenant-as-the-fulfillment-of-gods-promise-of-presence/
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