Author Details

Kellianne Holland
Student Writer,
Grand Canyon University
Kellianne Holland is a freshman studying early childhood development at Grand Canyon University. She loves writing and is very passionate about learning about the mental development of young children. When she isn’t studying or blogging, Kellianne can be found spending her free time making tea and cookies, creating amazing vegan recipes or spoiling her weird little dog, Murphy. She also likes traveling, is an advocate for animal rights and owns a giant collection of mugs and teacups. Kellianne hopes to change the world through one day revolutionizing the way that young children are being taught in school in America. Her motto is “children learn better when they are ready, so why stress them out.”
Spotlight Questions:
GCU was always this “thing” I saw on TV. I knew it was a university, but I thought it was something that was never going to be possible for me. The commercials always looked so awesome but I never thought I’d end up here. I went to a little college up in Napa called Pacific Union College where I was studying marketing communications. Eventually, I became very passionate about the minds of young children and decided that I wanted to study early childhood education instead. So, I called up Grand Canyon University and was so drawn in that I promised that I would make GCU happen for me and that I would become a Lope. I have never been so happy to make a decision in my life, and GCU definitely has what I need to become a successful educator!
The people here are so awesome! Everyone’s so friendly and always smiling even when you make awkward eye contact with them. I’m a bit of an awkward turtle sometimes, but that didn’t stop people from going out of their way to say hello to me and that just fills me up to the brim with positive vibes! The professors here at GCU are also super amazing and they try their best to get to know their students. That’s just totally rad! This community is way more than just a community – it’s an awesome family and the campus is just a gorgeously awesome home!
Go out and have fun! Be goofy! College doesn’t just mean sitting in front of books and papers all day. Make time to hang out with your friends or go on an adventure! I see too many people just accumulating stress and worrying about grades. Trust me, you’ll do way better if you make some time for yourself. Yoko Ono once said, “It is better to dance than to march through life.” She’s a wise woman. So dance through your college experience and live your life!
Spotlight Questions:
GCU was always this “thing” I saw on TV. I knew it was a university, but I thought it was something that was never going to be possible for me. The commercials always looked so awesome but I never thought I’d end up here. I went to a little college up in Napa called Pacific Union College where I was studying marketing communications. Eventually, I became very passionate about the minds of young children and decided that I wanted to study early childhood education instead. So, I called up Grand Canyon University and was so drawn in that I promised that I would make GCU happen for me and that I would become a Lope. I have never been so happy to make a decision in my life, and GCU definitely has what I need to become a successful educator!
The people here are so awesome! Everyone’s so friendly and always smiling even when you make awkward eye contact with them. I’m a bit of an awkward turtle sometimes, but that didn’t stop people from going out of their way to say hello to me and that just fills me up to the brim with positive vibes! The professors here at GCU are also super amazing and they try their best to get to know their students. That’s just totally rad! This community is way more than just a community – it’s an awesome family and the campus is just a gorgeously awesome home!
Go out and have fun! Be goofy! College doesn’t just mean sitting in front of books and papers all day. Make time to hang out with your friends or go on an adventure! I see too many people just accumulating stress and worrying about grades. Trust me, you’ll do way better if you make some time for yourself. Yoko Ono once said, “It is better to dance than to march through life.” She’s a wise woman. So dance through your college experience and live your life!