Author Details

Laura Arnold
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Laura Arnold is a sophomore in the Honors College at Grand Canyon University. She is majoring in business management and minoring in marketing and plans to graduate fall of 2019. When she graduates, she hopes to move back to San Diego and work in project management or for a marketing agency. In the meantime, Laura works for the Marketing and PR Department in the Honors College as well as the Communications Coordinator Intern for CO+HOOTS Foundation. In her spare time, Laura enjoys hiking, exploring Northern Arizona and spending time at unique coffee shops in downtown Phoenix.

Spotlight Questions:
I grew up in San Diego, California, so I was pretty set on attending a state school until a program I was a part of my junior and senior year of high school told me about Grand Canyon University. GCU flew the executives of the organization to the university, who were skeptical at first, but returned with only positive things to say and believed I would love the school. After that conversation, I decided to go on a GCU Discover Trip. Once I experienced the environment on campus, I was really drawn in because of the atmosphere and the community it embodies. I am so gratefully for the opportunities I have had, the friends I have made and excited for the year and a half left here!

I enjoy the people and the opportunities they offer students to excel past graduation. The staff in the Honors College really cares about you as a person and wants the best for each and every student’s future. Through the Honors College, I get to connect with other students who are like minded as well as become closer with individuals within my major. There are so many amazing opportunities to put yourself out there and set up for your future with the Honors College!

Join! You have nothing to lose in joining the Honors College! It gives students a better way to get involved on campus and meet motivated, advantageous and personable individuals. I am so thankful I am a part of this tight-knit community of amazing individuals.