Author Details

Morgan Lentz
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Morgan Lentz is in her first year of earning her Bachelor of Science in Marketing through the Colangelo College of Business, as well as the Honors College. Her dream job would be to work within a Chief Marketing Consultant role for a company. Morgan is also a part of the marketing team for the Honors College at GCU, where she enjoys learning real -life skills that can be applied towards her professional career. As an Arizona native, she appreciates warm weather and hiking around the valley, as well as hanging out with friends, playing intramurals, and traveling.

Spotlight Questions:
I love the various opportunities and networking options the Honors College gives their students. Whether it’s job fairs, internship applications or even jobs within the college- GCU really promotes a successful head start in your career path while completing your education. Being a part of the marketing team has given me opportunities to real-world business connections.

I am from Gilbert, Arizona- so GCU is a well-known college in the area I live. Once I toured here, I fell in love with the quality culture on campus, as well as the focus on Christian influence. I was also able to graduate with nearly two years of credits from my high school and GCU transferred them all, allowing me to get ahead in my degree. Now, I am enjoying campus life… especially the dorms!

Do it! The Honors College is a great way to challenge yourself and learn more about your degree and field of study. The people are motivated and always there to support you if you struggle, and even when you don’t. Plus, think about all of these amazing opportunities you’ll miss out on!

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