Author Details

Paige Ferrari
Global Outreach Student Leader, Grand Canyon University
Paige Ferrari is a senior at GCU studying Communications and serves in the Spiritual Life department as part of the Global Outreach Team. Although she’s from Southern California, Paige finds herself falling in love with the people, culture and lifestyle of Phoenix, and hopes to permanently move here after graduation. She is a passionate writer, reader and coffee connoisseur; she is always looking for some creative words over a cup of coffee.

Student Spotlight
Who am I and how did God lead me to GCU?
I love to explore and try new things. I try to push the limits of my comfort zone so I can experience what life has to offer. I truly love to laugh and find joy in all things. Whether it is a cheesy joke or singing along to music with my friends in my car, laughter is such a beautiful part of my life through which I can share the joy that I have found in Christ.

Last minute decisions seem to be a pretty awesome theme of my life and that is how I moved to a city that I had never visited before. I was a senior in high school and deciding what college I was going to call home for the next four years of my life. No one from my home town knew what GCU was. But I decided to take a leap of faith into the (literal) unknown and it has provided me with abundant blessings.

What do I enjoy most about my role at GCU?
I love the energy that GCU has. The students, staff and professors, everyone brings this intangible excitement and life to the atmosphere that you can’t help but thrive. I am a student here, I work here and I serve here. It’s fair to say that I bleed purple pride. But even more so, I love the people here. I have met so many admirable and inspirational people here that encourage me to be a better person. The relationships that I continue to build here I wouldn’t trade for the world.

How has the Gospel shaped my life?
Every year I look back and I see everything God has done. I see his gentle character showing up in my life, constantly forming me and molding me for no other reason but his unending love. The Gospel transformed my life in ways that I would have never imagined. It’s the driving force over decisions big and small that I make in my life. It is through the Gospel that I am able to see myself and others, beyond faults and flaws, as beloved children of God.

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