Author Details

Samuel Sprague
Samuel Sprague
Professional Writer, Grand Canyon University
Samuel Sprague is a professional writer earning studying State and Local Public Policy at Grand Canyon University. He hopes to deepen his career in professional writing as an SEO specialist.

I was born and raised in Mesa, the only Arizonan in a family from upstate New York. Grand Canyon University was not the first school I had considered after finishing high school, but many of the degrees they offered and the supportive community of the Honors College made it a compelling choice.

I have loved the diverse opportunities on campus. I enjoy my time alone as an introvert, but I have taken part in some incredible activities and organizations on campus. Having the drive to be my own advocate is definitely something GCU has reinforced in me.

I would advise GCU students to make the most of their time here. Follow your passions and beat your own drum. If you are a workaholic like me, that might mean stepping outside occasionally to take a break from routine. To the socialite it might mean distancing yourself from old habits and sitting down to for a hard week of study. Do what brings out the best in you, challenge yourself and remember that you are here to find a purpose.

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