Author Details

Teddy Ogilvie
Student Writer, Grand Canyon University
Teddy Ogilvie is a Junior at Grand Canyon University in the Athletic Training Program; Teddy is also the Vice President of the Sports Medicine Club. He works together with the other officers in community service volunteer opportunities and creating mentorship among the club members. They are currently providing the entire medical coverage for the Run to Fight Children’s Cancer, which is a walk done here on campus. They also just completed organizing the Mock Scenario which was filmed and published on GCU Today. Teddy is not only busy with school, clinical, and organizing a club, but he is also a Student Leader on the Global Outreach. He is one of the leaders for the Prayer team, where he is apart of weekly events praying for this campus, this city, but also the nations of this world.

Spotlight Questions:
I am from a small city up in Northern California called Redding. I grew up playing basketball and having a great relationship with Jesus. As I got older, my faith grew, but my basketball skills didn’t. I began to realize that my hopes of being an NBA player were slim, but I didn’t want to leave sports altogether. My senior year I happened to add a class called Sports Medicine, where I learned about the body and the movement of the body. The best part was I got to work with athletes, and if I was good enough, I could work with professional athletes. So when it came to applying to schools, I was looking for colleges that had Sports Medicine. Out of all the ones that I looked at GCU was the only one and after my visit her I enrolled immediately. When I came here, I thought I was enrolled in Sports Medicine, but it turns out I was enrolled in as an Athletic Training Major. I decided that must be the closest thing, and I would try it out. As I went through the classes I fell in love with the program. The program was better then I expected and I am doing more then I thought I would be.

What I enjoy most about the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions is that we are always serving others. No matter what major you are enrolled in, you always have the opportunity to serve others. The other thing I like about the CONHCP is that nothing is the same. Each day I come to class or go to clinicals, and there is always something new. One day I am learning how to tape an ankle and the next I am on the field helping an athlete who just torn their ACL. I believe that CONHCP helps students do well in the classroom, but I believe that, because of the opportunities given to the students, they help us succeed in the real world.

My advice for any future health care professional is to treat every day as a job interview. With all of the opportunities that are presented to each student, you never know who you may run into. Each time you work with someone, whether they are a boss, preceptor, professor, or peer, they could be your future employer. Always be respectful no matter who you are working with, and always work hard no matter what task you have been given.