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Anna Perez
Faculty Lead, MPH & BSPH, College of Nursing and Health Care Professions
Veronica is a knowledgeable public health professional with extensive experience in the nonprofit, government, and academic sectors. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, minor in biology, from Northern Arizona University and a Master of Public Health degree in community health, emphasis health education/health promotion from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Veronica is also pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree in general psychology, emphasis cognition and instruction, from Grand Canyon University. Veronica's practice experience and research interests include tobacco/e-cigarette prevention and control, curriculum and instruction, college health initiatives, workforce development, and social determinants of health. Her professional experience includes having worked with the Arizona Department of Health Services as advisor for cultural competency and health literacy and as director of chronic disease programs. She also worked with the American Cancer Society as senior health educator and director of planning and evaluation. Veronica was previously part of the adjunct faculty at South Mountain Community College where she taught psychology courses to nursing, healthcare, and other students. In addition, she has volunteered her time and professional expertise to several organizational boards, including Esperança, a nonprofit global health organization, and Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health (NOAH), a community health center network. Her education, experience, and commitment to workforce development led her to an academic role where she can help prepare the next generation of public health professionals. Veronica is currently an assistant professor of public health and lead faculty of the Master of Public Health (MPH) and Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) programs in the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions at Grand Canyon University.

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