3 Unique Careers to Pursue with an MBA

Woman laughs in an open office space while a man sits at a desk

People who have a Master of Business Administration are considered valuable in the business world of today. In fact, they are so valuable that some companies will even pay for an employee to get their MBA. This way, an employee has more knowledge and experience to offer the company, and can better understand and manage the business. However, an MBA can also be applicable in a few rather unique jobs that are outside the typical “business world.” Here are three unique MBA-related careers that you may not have considered before:

Film Producer

A film producer is responsible for organizing, executing and making a film happen. The producer locates a promising script and obtains the movie rights, and also organizes and procures the necessary personnel and equipment for the making of the movie. This person organizes and oversees every part of movie production. A film producer is almost like a CEO, except instead of working in an office, they work on a movie set!

Entertainment Business Manager

These types of managers are responsible for the business side of the entertainment industry and are thought of as the liaison between artists and agencies. Their daily responsibilities often include negotiating and building contacts for the artists and clients they represent. Entertainment business managers also are interested in marketing their client and growing their publicity, because as the artist becomes more popular and increases in profits, so does the business. This would be a great job for someone who loves entertainment, business and marketing!

Event Manager

The event industry is one that continues to grow. Event managers are the “planners” of the team and execute different events for a company. Their duties range from planning and outlining an event to obtaining different vendors and scheduling the details that make up an event. It’s also important that an event manager has contacts and networking skills, and is able to manage a variety of daily operations. Anyone who is intrigued by a busy schedule and does not want to be tied to a desk may love this job, as it allows them to move around!

Grand Canyon University’s Colangelo College of Business challenges students to become values-driven leaders and strives to help students find their purpose. To learn more about GCU’s MBA program, visit our website or request more information by using the green button at the top of this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.