4 Important Upgrades for Your Small Business Website

Small business owner working on website

Small business owners have countless responsibilities. They are entrepreneurs working hard to fulfill their dreams and support their families by managing the finances, organization, marketing and growth of their business and employees. One area that small business owners might overlook is the importance of a modern and accessible website.

The process and expense of hiring a web developer, copywriter or graphic designer can be overwhelming for those who are not familiar with the services they need. Some small business owners create their own websites; others have no online presence at all. Some use social media to advertise their business. However, this can make a site seem unprofessional and turn away potential clients. If you want to create or revise a site for your business, the best thing you can do is invest in a professional website.

How to Update Your Small Business Website

If you want to invest in a website for your business, you can hire a professional developer to create a simple and dynamic template and teach you to how to make updates. Images, contact information, service listings and social media links are four essential components of your website to keep up to date.


The images on your website should be optimized for quick load time. Modern smartphones make this step very easy. If you are worried that you are not a good photographer or do not know how to set up the right lighting, hire a photographer. If you want to skip the expense of a professional photographer, ask around. It is very likely that someone you know is an amateur photographer, or they know one. And while you are at it, replace stock photos with actual photos of yourself, your products, your employees and your workspace. Too many stock photos make your site look impersonal.

Contact Information

Your website is often the way people find you. They are looking for your service in the area. They will want to know when you are open, where you are located and how to contact you. Make sure you include a link to a map with the address. Ensure that you inform your clients about shifting hours of operation, such as holidays.

Accurate Service Listing

Potential customers want to know what you offer. They will look for your menu of services and pricing. Even if you do not want to list specific prices, it is a good idea to create some pre-priced packages so website viewers can compare you to other vendors. Be as specific as possible about what you offer without writing too much. You do not want your website to be too text-heavy. Provide a contact form to allow customers to submit inquiries and requests for custom quotes.

Links to Social Media

All businesses are expected to have social media accounts. You should focus on social media platforms that your target market uses. You can use services like ContentCal, Sprout Social and Hootsuite to preschedule posts across a number of social media platforms. Social media allows you to engage with customers and demonstrate your brand voice and personality. Your website gives your customers an idea of what you offer, but social media lets them know who you are. Consider a plugin on your website that auto-populates your social media activity to enhance the reader’s experience on your site.

If you are a small business owner hoping to learn more about how modern technology can improve your business acumen, consider enrolling in the Bachelor of Science in Business Management and the Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Studies degrees from Grand Canyon University. And while you are taking classes, you can network with people who have the skills to help you upgrade that website.

To learn more about how Grand Canyon University’s Colangelo College of Business provides small business owners with the tools they need to bring their management and business skills to the next level, click the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.