5 Frequently Asked Questions about the MBA

Group of professionals take assessment and girl turns head to smile

If you are considering earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA), you most likely have some questions about the program. In today’s world, having business knowledge is extremely valuable, so it is no wonder the MBA is a highly sought after degree program. Here are answers to five frequently asked questions about the MBA:

What Will I Learn?

By enrolling in Grand Canyon University’s MBA program, you will gain a deeper understanding of business, administration and what it means to be an effective leader. You will learn what drives business success and how to create a productive organizational culture. Overall, your coursework will allow you to grow in your critical thinking abilities as you develop the knowledge for transformational leadership in business practice. Some of the topics you will explore include:

  • Managerial concepts
  • Management of the marketing function and market environmental analysis
  • Microeconomics and macroeconomic concepts related to contemporary business
  • The science of organizational behavior and how it contributes to effective leaders and managers

Can I Earn My MBA Online?

Grand Canyon University offers a wide variety of online degree programs, including the MBA! Earning your degree online will provide you with convenience and flexibility, as you will be able to study anytime, anywhere.

In addition, GCU’s full-time faculty members and fully trained adjunct instructors are equipped with strong academic backgrounds and experience in their fields, and they will be there to support you every step of the way throughout your educational journey. The online class environment stimulates engaging and challenging discussions, so you can make the most out of your experience. Classes begin frequently, so you can begin your journey to an MBA at any time!

What are the Benefits of the Evening Cohort Option?

When it comes to earning your MBA, GCU also offers an evening cohort option. This program is ideal for those who work during the day, but prefer an in-person learning environment. In an evening cohort, you will progress through your program with career-minded classmates, providing a valuable opportunity to network. You will meet for class just one night per week and will benefit from the interaction and discussion of a typical college classroom.

Can I Choose an Emphasis?

At GCU, you can choose from a variety of emphasis areas when it comes to earning your MBA. Some of these include accounting, finance, health systems management, leadership, marketing and sports business. Therefore, you can tailor your education to what you are passionate about!

What Can I Do After Graduation?

Having an MBA can prepare you to succeed in a wide variety of industries! You will have the skills necessary to develop and gain self-confidence to act as an executive, entrepreneur, director, manager and business leader. For those who graduate with an MBA, typical careers include chief executive officer, vice president of operations, director or leader in all types of business and service organizations.

The Colangelo College of Business at Grand Canyon University is guided by three pillars: servant leadership, ethics and entrepreneurism. To learn about GCU’s business degrees, visit our website or request more information by using the button at the top of this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.