Alumni Spotlight: Natalie Speers

Natalie Speers' business logo for Social Ally

GCU alumna Natalie Speers is using her business degree to take her career to the next level. In 2012, Natalie founded Social Ally, a social media and branding agency in Scottsdale.

Coming out of Grand Canyon University’s marketing degree program through the Colangelo College of Business, Natalie learned the necessary skills needed to start her own business. It was through taking a business class and having a professor who walked her through the process of starting up a business that she learned how to make her business successful and thrive through her efforts.

GCU brought Natalie back to campus to speak in a marketing class about how she got started and how her business degree helped her launch her career. Now, she has employees under her and is constantly bringing on new clients.

“I never in my wildest dreams thought it would go this far this fast,” she said to GCU Today.

Hear some of Natalie’s talk below and learn more about Social Ally by visiting

[link url="F3oyQ3jHPmM" class="youtube"]Text[/link]

The Colangelo College of Business brings speakers onto campus to help encourage and inspire students to pursue their dreams and to use their education to do so. In February, we will host a Lunch and Learn titled, “Work as an Expression of Neighbor Love,” featuring Moronke Oke and a business faculty panel.

Want to learn more about a business degree at GCU? Contact us today!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.