Getting “LinkedIn” to Future Success

LinkedIn on a tablet

As our students at Grand Canyon University are learning, LinkedIn is a crucial tool for new business people entering the workforce. Our Accounting Society members who attended the annual Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Student Leadership Conference last November were so surprised at how easy it was to maintain the contacts that they had made during the conference, that they initiated a LinkedIn training here on campus to promote this professional networking site.

This spring, 27 students came to a training on using LinkedIn that was led by student members of the GCU Accounting Society. GCU junior Jarrod May, who was the student speaker at the workshop, shared that he first signed up for LinkedIn during the IMA Student Leadership Conference. After signing up for LinkedIn, May was more confident when approaching people at the conference because he knew that he could easily use LinkedIn to stay in touch. In just a few short month, May has grown his network to nearly 100 connections.

Setting up a LinkedIn account is easy. Just go to the LinkedIn website, and create an account to get started. Include basic information regarding your career and education, and provide a professional-looking photograph. Start connecting with colleagues, classmates, contacts and potential employers. Provide your connections with endorsements for their skills, and ask for endorsements regarding your key abilities.

Remember that it is never too early to start building a professional network, so even if you are currently a student, get ready to get “LinkedIn!”

Are you interested in learning more about earning a business degree at Grand Canyon University? Visit our website for more information about the Colangelo College of Business.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
