Hospitality Industry Trends Within the Business World

Gears engraved with the words "efficiency," "excellence," "support," "trust" and "efficiency"

One of the many things you will learn as you work through your hospitality management degree program is that it is essential to stay on top of changing trends. It is not always enough to simply meet the expectations of your guests. Successful hospitality companies offer guests a unique overall experience, and the innovative amenities they never knew they wanted.


In virtually every industry, professionals have been orienting their services, products and marketing campaigns toward millennials. Millennials are particularly relevant to the hospitality industry, as they comprise a substantial portion of all travelers—a portion that is expected to continue its upward climb in the coming years. So, how can hotels capture the attention and dollars of millennials? For starters, get to know what speaks to millennials. This generation expects personalized service and friendly interactions. They want unique experiences and tech-based conveniences. They also like to share their experiences on social media, and to choose accommodations based on the social media presence of those companies.


Social media can make or break a hotel, and it can trigger rapid change in the company’s reputation. Every hotel needs a designated social media manager to respond quickly to negative reviews. These responses should be apologetic, and should include a promise to do better in the future. Sometimes, guests may need to be asked for additional information if their initial complaints were not specific. An offer for a discount may be appropriate. Social media managers can do more than just damage control, however. They can also respond to customers who post positive reviews, thanking them for staying at the hotel and welcoming them back in the future.

Hotels as Becoming Communities

The hospitality industry is built on the guest experience, and leaving a mini chocolate on the pillow just is not enough anymore. These days, hotels are becoming more like small communities than merely a place to get some sleep in between sightseeing tours. As a case in point, consider the many health and wellness amenities being offered by hotels. In addition to a fitness gym, some hotels offer yoga classes and saunas. Some in-room amenities include vitamin-infused shower water and air purification systems.

Standing Out

Travelers are accustomed to bland décor and that sense of sameness from one hotel to the next. But some innovative hospitality professionals are discovering that a little quirkiness can be beneficial. A pleasantly quirky experience will make a hotel memorable, and much more likely to get rave reviews on social media. For example, one hotel owner offers guests the option to have a pet goldfish stay in their rooms. Some hotels offer free wine tastings, while others provide guests with a curated pillow menu, from which they can select their favorite. The trick is to find a hook that speaks to your target demographic.

The world of hospitality management is always changing and finding new trends to follow. If you have an interest in being part of these trends, consider getting a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management.

Grand Canyon University has a longstanding tradition of quality education rooted in Christian faith. Our Colangelo College of Business is proud to offer a comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management degree program to prepare you for your future career. Use the Request More Information button at the top of the website to get started.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.