How Business Grads Prep for Job Interviews

Business grad doing a virtual interview

After earning your business degree, might also feel like you majored in networking. Being a business major means that you've had practice working with people and presenting your best ideas. These skills will help you as you go into the workforce to find a job or climb the rungs in your current business, but they could also be helpful in a job interview. When preparing for an interview, you know that your responses should convey who you are, what you believe and what you bring to the table. Here are some interview tips to help you prep for success.

1. Show Up Early

You will not be able to have a great interview if you do not get to the interview at all. Make sure that you show up at least ten minutes early for your interview so that you can collect yourself and go over any notes or documents that you brought with you. It’s important to reflect your punctuality to your future employer. It shows that you are committed to your responsibilities and being a part of a team. Any problems that they observe at this point in the process, including tardiness, can be viewed as warning signs that the interviewee might not be a good fit for the company.

2. Research the Company

Before you head to your interview, make sure you have done plenty of research about the company and the projects that they are currently working on. In addition to your research about the company, learn about the people on your interview team. If you do not know who will be interviewing you, you could reach out to HR to find out or read through bios of people on the team that you are hoping to join.

By having background information about the company and the people you will be working with, you can tailor your answers to ensure they aligned with those values and experience. It also provides you with background knowledge to formulate well-thought-out questions about the position you’re applying for, which is a good indicator to the interviewer that you’re invested in the process and eager to learn more about the job.

3. Check the Culture

Businesses today pride themselves on creating a culture that is conducive to both work and a strong workplace community. These cultures can look and feel different at every office or building you step into. Find out about the company's culture and see how it aligns with your own values. Don’t force yourself to act a certain way during your interview just to fit in with a company culture or value. Instead, bring your own personality, talents and perspective to the interview. It’s entirely possible to fit in with the company culture without molding yourself into an exact replica of every other employee there.

4. Be Organized

Though the people interviewing you will probably have a copy of your resume available, make sure that you bring extra copies with you. If you are sharing a digital portfolio or giving a presentation with a slide deck, make sure your technology is charged and that your documents are pulled up and ready to go. Fumbling around with your equipment while a room of busy people are waiting for you to present is a strike against you, since it demonstrates disorganization and wastes some of the time they have set aside during their busy day to meet with you. The less time you spend searching through your bag or your online landscape, the better.

5. Share Real Examples

Interviewers are looking for your competency and your ability to fit in to the team. The only way they can get a real sense of what you are like is to hear about your business experiences. Instead of giving rote answers, personalize your responses by giving specific examples of how you have worked through issues and how you tackle challenges. What you say about how you conduct your work and how you explain your processes tells interviewers a lot about how you will fit into the current team. It also shows that you have experience in areas that will come in handy in the position you’re applying for.

Depending on the question you are responding to, you may be able to speak about past experiences leading a team or initiatives you have taken at your previous jobs or internships. Effectively communicating some relevant stories can also set you apart from the competition and ensure the interviewer remembers you after your appointment is over.

6. Be Confident

You have already made it to the interview round of the job hiring process, which means that the company found something about you interesting or promising. They would not waste their time setting up an in-person interview if you didn’t have the talent they were looking for. Keep this in mind when you go into your interview. Be confident about your skills and what you have accomplished and learned over the course of your degree program and past jobs and internships. Be open to learning new things and meeting new people. Interviews are rarely stress-free, but if you’re confident in your abilities, they can go smoothly.

In conclusion, when interviewing for a job in the business world, be sure to be punctual, organized and up-to-date on the company and its workplace culture. With relevant and applicable answers and a healthy amount of confidence, you should be well-prepared to put your business degree to use after a successful job interview.

If you are looking forward to getting a job in business or improving your skill set, check out the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business at Grand Canyon University. To learn more about how GCU’s Colangelo College of Business provides the next generation of business professionals with a solid foundation to begin their careers, click the Request Info button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.