What Can You Do With a Marketing Degree?

female marketing manager working on her phone

Are you interested in earning a bachelor’s degree in marketing and wonder what career opportunities are available with this degree? An advertising and marketing degree is a business degree that can open up numerous career paths and jobs.

What Is a Marketing Degree?

A marketing degree gives students a chance to dive into research and strategy. Students learn what it takes to be successful in the business world and how to apply their own ideas and strategies. Some topics that courses in this degree cover include:

  • Ethical and legal issues
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Research and data analysis
  • Operations management
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Accounting

Marketing Jobs

There are many jobs available for those who are interested in marketing, and each presents its own unique benefits. Below are a few common marketing jobs to consider:

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers have the important job of organizing promotions and communications that will help a brand’s image. A marketing manager may work with other outside departments, such as email and social media teams, to get ideas and help create the most impact.

Planning and organizing is an important aspect of a manager in this field. These skills help them to achieve success with creating and promoting strategies and projects for their brand.

Public Relations Manager

The main responsibility of a public relations manager is to maintain positive perceptions of the company’s product or service. Public relations professionals often help companies with tasks such as conducting speeches and ensuring that all promotional materials match the look and feel of the brand.

It is important for public relations managers to have strong communication and writing skills as well as the ability to come up with creative solutions in stressful situations. If an issue relating to the company comes to the public’s attention, public relations managers must minimize negative impact on the company’s brand and identity.

Market Research Analysts

In the field of market research, quantitative data and consumer behavior are combined to obtain the right information to use in promoting products to a target market. To gather the necessary information and collect numerical data, market researchers use statistical analysis packages, surveys, mystery shopping, focus groups and new product tests. Market research is becoming an advanced and innovative field as technology continues to help improve the accuracy and the amount of data researchers can process.

Sales Representative

Those interested in marketing can also pursue a role as a sales representative. Sales representatives can use marketing skills to convince customers of the value of their brand, product or service. Communicating clearly with customers supports a good brand image.

Advertising Manager

Advertising is an exciting and ever-changing field. Business professionals working in advertising manage anything from radio ads to social media ads. Advertising managers have the opportunity to positively promote products or services in the media by brainstorming creative ideas for commercials and promotional events. They are able to work with a team to create content that will best promote brands and be seen by the greatest number of people, choosing media that will reach their target markets.

Fundraising Manager

Some organizations have fundraising managers who help the company to raise money. Often, this position interacts regularly with stakeholders. For students interested in working with a non-profit or charity, the career of a fundraising manager may be a path to explore. Depending on the organization they work for, a fundraising manager may have to manage a team dedicated to fundraising projects or work with other departments to raise money and find out specifics related to projects and events.

Event Planner

Event planners take pride in balancing and executing the tasks relating to events. This can include reserving venues, communicating with various groups to orchestrate plans, budgeting for the event and ensuring that nothing goes awry during the event.

Cause Marketing

In a noisy marketing landscape where brands are competing for the customer’s attention and loyalty, cause marketing creates an opportunity to champion a cause and promote goodwill. People want to do business with and work with companies that care.

Cause marketing happens when a brand takes a stance on a social issue and creates a connection with their audience. Studies show that cause-marketing done right can impact customers’ purchasing behavior, build goodwill and awareness, as well as stand out from the competition. Depending on the organization, a cause-marketing manager would work in either the marketing or sponsor sales department to help create and activate campaigns with brands and organizations.

How to Prepare for Your Career

To prepare for a successful career in this field, consider earning your bachelor’s degree. This will help you achieve a solid understanding of concepts and strategies that will help you in your future job. Relevant job experience and internships can also ensure that you are set up for success as you apply to various positions. Brushing up on skills that will help you do well in your job is also beneficial.

Similar Degree Options to Consider

A bachelor’s degree in advertising and marketing is a solid start toward any of these careers. However, if a degree in marketing does not seem like a good fit for you, there are other options in similar fields that may be better-suited to your interests and needs.

  • Business Management Degree: If you like the business side of this field but do not want to earn a marketing degree, consider pursing a BS in Business Management. This degree also allows you to learn about topics such as management, finance and economics.
  • Advertising and Graphic Design Degree: If you would rather pursue the side of marketing more related to advertising and design, consider a BA in Advertising and Graphic Design. Students in this field get to learn how to use different media to create powerful visuals and advertisements.

If you already have a BS in Advertising and Marketing and want to further your education, consider the following degrees:

  • MBA in Marketing: An MBA in marketing goes deeper into marketing and opens up higher-level career options in the field. Online and evening classes are an option for this degree, making it easier for busy working individuals to go back to school. 
  • DBA in Marketing: A DBA in marketing is the highest-level degree for those who want to achieve executive-level positions and further their knowledge. 

If you are interested in earning a BS in Advertising and Marketing, contact us today using the Request More Information button at the top of the page. Learn more about Grand Canyon University’s Colangelo College of Business and the many degree programs we have to offer.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
