Welcome to Letters, Numbers, Minds and Voices

gcu college of humanities and social sciences

Greetings and welcome to our blog!

In many ways, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) is the focal point of life and learning for Grand Canyon University’s students, because we are the college responsible for most of the general education courses. All undergraduates, regardless of major, learn and grow in our classrooms, a responsibility that challenges and inspires our faculty and staff every day.

If you are a student in the nursing program and your best friend is a communications major, it is not improbable that you met in the halls of CHSS.

If you are a business major who always believed that psychology was bunk until you took a class with Dr. Terry, you will never forget your time with us.

If you are in the STEM program and do not understand why you need to take two composition courses, you will be grateful that you did when your job as an engineer requires you to write reams of concise progress reports on your projects.

The faculty and special guests who write these posts every month hope that you will find the posts to be interesting and informative. The posts reflect the diversity of our degree programs, so you will find topics related to language, literature, history, psychology, Christianity, government, justice studies, counseling, communications and many more.

If you have suggestions for topics, please let us know. In the meantime…


Start reading! Check out Brian Raftery’s post, “Whose Face Should be on the $20 Bill?” For more information on our college, please visit our website.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
