Earning an EdD in Christian Ministry

close up of man holding his Bible

Grand Canyon University is a widely acclaimed Christian school that prides itself on rigorous curricula and supportive student services. Some of our learners enter our College of Theology and then go on to work toward doctoral degrees in our College of Doctoral Studies. If you have determined that your calling in life is to enter into the ministry, we invite you to apply for our Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Christian Ministry. Our Christian university interdenominational.

Leading by Example

Leaders within the Christian church are held to high moral standards, which is just as it should be. And while ethical leaders strive to always do the right thing, they must also be humble enough to acknowledge when they have done wrong. Ministers must not see themselves as the ultimate moral authority, as that is God’s role. The willingness to acknowledge wrongdoing, make an effort to make amends and to humbly ask for forgiveness are all qualities of a minister who leads by example.

Striving for Social Responsibility

Learners at Grand Canyon University are quick to assist others. Each year, GCU learners volunteer their time and resources to serve the homeless at the Phoenix Dream Center, to serve children with Lopes for Literacy and many other charitable missions because GCU learners understand that Christ calls on them to serve others. Once you have earned your doctoral degree and you find a place within the ministry, you should never forget the lessons you learned at GCU that extended beyond the classroom. As a Christian, you are called upon to sacrifice for others, and as a minister or pastor, you will have the capacity to effect change with the support of the congregation. Encourage your church community to take an active role in charitable initiatives. Build houses for the homeless, check on seniors in the neighborhood and execute fundraisers for medical aid for disadvantaged nations.

Putting the Needs of Others First

By nature, ministers are great at talking. But as you gain experience while ministering to others, you will likely begin to realize that being a good listener is just as important. Communication is a two-way street. Effective church leaders are those who listen to their parishioners whole-heartedly. After all, it is not possible to provide spiritual guidance to someone before you fully understand his or her dilemma. Parishioners will come to you for words of solace and guidance, but also simply to get what’s bothering them off their shoulders. Knowing when to listen and when to speak is one of the hallmarks of a truly effective and ethically-minded Christian leader.

Theology students at Grand Canyon University feel a calling to devote their lives in service to Christ and their fellow humans. If you are an aspiring minister or Christian leader, click on the Request More Information button above. We offer a number of theology degree programs, including our Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Christian Ministry.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
