Everything You Need to Know About Earning Your PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision

Woman talking to another woman

If you are looking to expand your knowledge of counseling, supervising, research and clinical skills, earning a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision may be right for you.

This degree is meant for counselors looking for leadership roles in mental health agencies, schools, companies and higher education institutions. This program focuses on teaching, supervising, clinical work, research and scholarship and leadership and advocacy. The skills students learn in this program are relevant and practical for counselors looking to advance their careers.

A PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision is a degree in high demand by employers and can increase counselor marketability in many job settings. No matter what doctorate program you choose, GCU makes it obtainable and worthwhile.

Earning Your Doctorate

While earning a doctorate can be a daunting task, the payoff is well worth it. A doctorate degree is a huge accomplishment and a big step in improving yourself and your career. GCU’s doctorate programs is different from many because it is developed from the perspective of GCU’s Christian worldview, which promotes faith-based values and ethics in professional work.

Don’t Stress About Your Dissertation

One of the biggest hesitations students have coming into the doctorate program is completing the dissertation. Grand Canyon University’s College of Doctoral Studies (GCU-CDS) has developed a program to best help you navigate the dissertation process. This is done through embedding the dissertation into the course itself.

This set-up allows the project to be broken up throughout the courses, making it more manageable. GCU-CDS also provides many support systems and engagement opportunities. Full-time faculty and custom textbooks will get you thinking about your research right away. In addition, your dissertation committee will be there to support you every step of the way.

Doctoral Community Network

GCU-CDS also helps their doctoral learners through an online platform called the Doctoral Community Network (DC Network). This platform will allow you to interact with other doctoral learners, alumni and faculty across disciplines to answer questions, find resources or provide support. GCU’s doctoral residencies also connect learners to one-on-one support and dissertation mentorship to ensure success.

GCU is dedicated to student success and works diligently to help students succeed throughout their doctoral journey. For more information about Grand Canyon University’s College of Doctoral Studies, please visit our website, or check out the GCU Blogs.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.