What You’ll Learn in Our Doctor Of Philosophy In General Psychology Program

Doctoral student takes notes from laptop outdoors at GCU campus

Are you interested in furthering your career by learning how to optimize various environments for success? If so, then you may benefit from earning Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in General Psychology with an Emphasis in Integrating Technology, Learning and Psychology.

Learners in this program delve into research, statistical analysis and evidence-based outcomes with the goal of improving the use of technology and research in various environments, such as educational institutions and nonprofit organizations. Read on for an introduction to what you will learn while earning this degree.

Technology Application and Risk/Benefit Assessment

GCU’s online PhD in psychology program includes coursework that allows learners to study current and emerging technologies in the areas of learning and communication. While earning this degree, you will discuss the psychology of applying technology to communities, organizations and individuals, as well as the assessment of risks and benefits related to technology use.

Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Theory

Learners in this PhD program are introduced to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, as well as psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic strategies for helping others address issues and improve their mental health.

Ethical Issues in Psychology

As you earn this PhD in integrated technology, you will study ethical issues facing the field of psychology, for example, those in the areas of psychotherapy, animal research, and forensic psychology.

Integrating Psychology and Technology with Learning and Communication

Coursework in this PhD program explores how the integration of psychology and technology is connected to improving learning and communications.

Building Community and the Psychology of Change

In the PhD in educational technology program, students develop strategies for creating communities and social networks, as well as explore the psychology of change as it relates to various levels. Areas of psychology that apply to communities, mass communication, social networking and collaboration are also discussed.

Advance your career and learn how to optimize environments for success by earning Grand Canyon University’s PhD in General Psychology with an Emphasis in Integrating Technology, Learning and Psychology. For more information about this program, visit the College of Doctoral Studies or click this page’s Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.