4 Reasons to Join a GCU Research Group

By Haley Glasmann
Exercise Science (Sports Performance) Major, College of Science, Engineering and Technology

STEM student in a lab

Looking for a great way to get involved on campus and further your knowledge in your major? Then consider joining one of Grand Canyon University’s on-campus research groups! Here are four reasons to consider getting involved in a research group in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology:

Gain Knowledge and Build Community

Getting plugged into campus events can be hard sometimes, especially with balancing classes, work, internships and personal time. Research groups are a great way to integrate learning and community. From building friendships to advancing your knowledge and skills, joining a research group can have a huge impact on your college experience. Participating in a research group can also give you a glimpse into a master’s program, as many graduate students partake in research as part of their studies.

Set Yourself Apart to Future Employers

Being part of an elective research group is a great way to stand out to potential employers. For example, a student who has experience in research with faculty in a university setting may stand out amongst the competition when a potential employer is reviewing resumes. As part of your research group, you may also gain real-world career skills such as interacting with clients, learning proper protocols and building interpersonal relationships.

Apply Your Classroom Knowledge in a Real-World Setting

A research group can help you gain practical experience, allowing you to apply what is being learned in the classroom to tangible projects. For some students, concepts learned in class are hard to apply to the real world. By joining a research group, you are able to take concepts learned in class and integrate them into real experiences that can be used in a future career. An added benefit is that you may better understand class material!

Gain Experience Presenting Your Research

GCU’s exercise science and pre-physical therapy students who participate in Performance Optimization, Wellness and Exercise Research (POWER) have the opportunity to present their research and the significance of their findings at a national conference. Professionals in the sports medicine field listen to student presentations. This is a great opportunity to network and gain presentation skills.

Having this experience as an undergraduate student is a remarkable opportunity and can have a huge impact on the course of your career.

The College of Science, Engineering and Technology offers a variety of STEM degrees and research opportunities to help prepare you for a 21st century career. Learn more by visiting our website or contacting us using the Request More Information button.

More About Haley:

Haley Glasmann is a senior at Grand Canyon University. She aspires to work as a strength and conditioning coach for professional athletes and has a keen interest in rehabilitation of athletes with injuries through corrective exercise. With that, her goal is to work toward obtaining a master’s degree in exercise science and work in the sports medicine field. Haley graduated from Chaparral High School in Temecula, California. She fell in love with the sports medicine field because of her involvement in cheerleading and her family’s love of sports.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.