7 Things to Know About Getting a Job in Cybersecurity

a cybersecurity job candidate sitting in front of servers

Now is an excellent time to earn your cybersecurity degree. It seems that every week we hear news about a major security breach at a large organization or company. On top of that, with so many people working at home, cybersecurity is more of a focus than ever.

In these times, many people are choosing to change their careers and explore jobs that may be more stable in the future. Cybersecurity has the potential to be a lucrative and steady job for many years to come. Here are some of the most important things to know about getting a job in cybersecurity.

You Will Need to Earn Your Place

Cybersecurity is a growing field that many people are looking into. This means that there are many new people on the job. While the fresh perspectives and ideas are welcome, people who have been in cybersecurity for a while may put you through your paces. You will have to earn your place and earn respect from your cybersecurity colleagues by doing great work.

You do not necessarily need a huge amount of experience to be a cybersecurity expert. What you do need is to show that you can bring something new to the job. Use your personal experiences, the knowledge you gained in your cybersecurity degree program and your unique personality to make a distinctive contribution to the cybersecurity department that you joined.

Be Ready for Politics

Many people who work in cybersecurity will tell you that they did not know that the job would be as complex as it is. One of the biggest complaints is that most companies are using cybersecurity experts for reasons beyond creating a safe and secure online environment. Many people already in the field of cybersecurity will tell you that some businesses do not invest in their security.

This lack of security focus generally happens because they cannot afford top-of-the-line security measures. Instead, they piece together solutions that they can afford and hope that they can continue to operate securely. As the cybersecurity expert, you will have to build solutions in ways that you may not always agree with in order to stay on budget and on time.

There Is Never One Right Answer

Most people in cybersecurity come at problems from different angles. This generally has to do with the training they received during their cybersecurity degree program. Some people may be more comfortable with networks and others with programming. They use the skills they have to address the security problems within their organizations. Often these problems are tackled by cybersecurity teams. On a team, you work with others, using your strengths to benefit the whole group and learning new ways to solve problems.

Prepare to Solve Problems No One Else Has

Cybersecurity experts are often asked to find ways to put together systems they have never seen before. Innovation is important to your success in cybersecurity. Not only will you have to come up with new solutions for your organization, but hackers are always several steps ahead of the solutions that currently exist. Therefore, you will likely face breaches that have causes you have not seen before. You will be constantly learning about new ways to keep your organization's online information safe.

Avoid Burnout by Having Outside Interests

To avoid work burnout, it is important to have interest outside of information technology. Think about ways that you can spend time away from a computer or a screen. You will have plenty of screen time at work as you build new solutions and combat cyberattacks. Make sure that your interests leave you feeling refreshed. The more creative you can be in your outside life, the more you can bring that energy to work and come up with innovative solutions.

Up Your Communication Skills

Cybersecurity is not just about coming up with solutions. It is also about sharing these solutions with your team and the people you work for. As a cybersecurity person, you have an opinion that matters about how to solve a problem or be proactive about a security issue. In most cases, you are the expert in the field, and you know what the viable options are. Make sure you can communicate clearly to an audience that may not understand the ins and outs of cybersecurity.

Make it Fun for Yourself and Others

Cybersecurity can be a daunting job. You are constantly facing the threat of security breaches, which can make it feel as if the weight of the company is on your shoulders. Because of this, many cybersecurity departments like to have fun to relieve the pressure. Some people have hackathons; others create challenges for themselves and their teams. Cybersecurity teams might join others across the world in coming up with solutions to certain security problems. It is possible to make cybersecurity fun, especially if you already enjoy the job.

If you are ready to move toward a job in cybersecurity, start by earning your Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity degree from Grand Canyon University or explore our other information technology degrees. You will learn all the technical aspects of the job, and you will be supported in finding a job and achieving career success.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.