Cockroaches and the “Scientific Personality”

Mention the word “cockroaches” to a group of people, and the group will become grossed out. After all, you would be talking about one of the most despised living things on Earth!
Yet, scientists have shown that even cockroaches have different personalities. According to Isaac Planas-Sitjà, a behavioral ecologist at the Free University of Brussels, “Studies have proven that some species of roaches are shy and keep to themselves, while others like to explore their surroundings, much to the dismay of the human race, and are way more adventurous. Researchers believe that these different behavioral traits could explain why roaches have survived the last 5,000 years and have defied becoming extinct.”
Now that I have your attention, what about scientific and engineering personalities? Do you need certain characteristics to become an engineer or a scientist?
In general, engineers and scientists should possess a strong curiosity and a certain amount of creativity. For the most part, an underlying characteristic should be a strong mathematical understanding and ability. There are general traits that will help in the overall picture, like being logical, thinking on your feet and being organized. After all, there are strict processes and methods that must be followed in order to work successfully.
Scientists will question why there is a problem; engineers will recognize the problem and want to make it better.
Certainly there is no specific “mold” for the personality of a scientist or engineer. Skills can be learned and as long as someone can handle the work and enjoy it; there isn’t really any other personality trait that you must have.
Making a career choice should not be based on what people may think about your personality. If you don’t fit the “stereotype,” but engineering or science is a career you want to pursue, go for it!
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.