Little-Known Careers in Cyber Security

woman works at laptop with headphones in

You’ve likely heard about some of the most common jobs in cybersecurity, such as security consultants and information security analysts. There are also management and executive positions available, such as chief information security officer (CISO) and information technology (IT) manager. However, there is a whole world of possibilities in this field beyond these common job titles. If any of the following careers appeals to you, consider earning your Master of Science in Cyber Security.

Incident Responder

Computer security incident response team engineers, often called simply incident responders, are akin to EMS teams or firefighters of the cybersecurity world. It’s the incident responder’s responsibility to quickly assess security incidents and cyber threats, typically within an organization’s network.

Incident responders then use an arsenal of forensic tools to identify the root cause of the problem, and develop rapid responses to limit the spread of the damage and correct those incidents. When incident responders aren’t actively working on ongoing threats, they are proactively preventing them. Some of the typical tasks for this position include the following:

  • Performing malware analysis and reverse engineering
  • Establishing protocols for the organization to follow during an ongoing incident
  • Liaising with appropriate law enforcement organizations
  • Writing detailed incident briefs and technical reports following incidents
  • Performing security audits, risk analysis and network testing

Computer Forensics Expert

If you enjoy puzzles and brain-teasers, this career path may be right for you. Computer forensics experts are the digital equivalent of crime lab technicians. After a computer security incident occurs, computer forensics experts are responsible for gathering and analyzing evidence from computers, networks and data storage devices. The goal is to track down the source of the malware and turn that source over to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Some typical job duties include the following:

  • Retrieve lost data by dismantling and rebuilding damaged computer systems
  • Compile evidence, write technical reports and prepare the evidence for trial
  • Give expert testimony during depositions and trials
  • Consult with and train law enforcement officials

Computer forensics experts may work within large corporations, private consulting firms and legal firms. A significant employer of these professionals is federal, state and local governmental agencies. The FBI’s Computer Analysis and Response Team (CART) alone employs hundreds of computer forensics experts around the country.


Without encryption, sensitive data would easily become compromised. Cryptographers and cryptanalysts deal exclusively with the protection of information through encryption. These job titles are very similar.

Cryptographers are responsible for developing the ciphers, algorithms and security systems needed to encrypt information. Cryptanalysts are responsible for analyzing and decrypting hidden information in cryptographic security systems. Picture these two professionals working at opposite ends of a tunnel.

The cryptographer sends the encrypted information, while the cryptanalyst decrypts it so that appropriate organizations can use it. There is a demand for these professionals throughout public and private sectors. In particular, military, political and law enforcement organizations depend on the encryption and decryption of information.

With a Master of Science in Cybersecurity, you may be qualified to pursue a number of advanced positions within this dynamic field. Grand Canyon University is a leading destination for professionals working in STEM fields like computer science. Click on Request Information at the top of your screen to explore our Christian learning community.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.
