A Look at STEM at GCU

STEM students building something

Your college education and career path are our commitment here at Grand Canyon University. We strive to meet your ambitions and interests with quality academic programs developed to prepare you with excellent workforce-readiness for entering a fast-growing field – where you can make a difference and help change the world.

To prepare students to meet employment demand, the College of Science, Engineering and Technology offers STEM programs and hands-on learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Our rigorous curriculum challenges and adapts according to rapidly changing new developments in STEM industries. Our expert STEM advisory board also helps ensure that our programs follow best practice standards, meet the needs of STEM disciplines and address the current STEM space.

Why Should I Study STEM?

  • Help fulfill employment demand. Unemployed people outnumbered job postings by 3.6 to one, whereas in STEM occupations, job postings outnumbered unemployed people by 1.9 to one, according to a survey by Change the Equation.
  • Learn to innovate, play a vital role in the U.S.’s economic future and help keep our country globally competitive.

How Can I Prepare for a Career in STEM?

If you are interested in STEM, check out the following learning opportunities and ways to get involved at GCU, whether you are a current GCU student or high school student.

  • UNV-112: The Success in Science, Engineering and Technology Course & Lab provides you with the chance to explore these areas and discover your academic path in STEM. This introductory course helps you choose a specialization and ensure you select the right program that matches your interest and long-term goals
  • Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering Program Grant: As part of our commitment to affordability, this grant awards $1,000 per academic year to Arizona students who are admissible to GCU and enroll in one of our computer science, IT or engineering programs.
  • STEM Clubs and Organizations: Get STEM-involved by joining a STEM club or organization that exposes you to hands-on activities, project-based learning, internships and networking. These include GCU AzHOSA, Student Wellness and Health Association, Pi-Oneers Math Club and Honors STEMists (in the Honors College).
  • iC Community Service: The Innovative Computing (iC) Club connects passionate technology students and altruism. In fall 2015, gifted techies refurbished, reprogrammed and redeployed 100 donated computers as part of a mission project. Then iC donated these fully equipped desktops to organizations dedicated to disadvantaged community members.
  • STEM Infrastructure: As part of GCU’s investment in STEM education, the new 173,447-square-foot engineering building is one of the latest additions to the growing campus. In this facility, students experience STEM through hands-on learning in fully equipped classrooms and labs within a Christian setting.
  • STEM Events: High school students also have the chance to learn all about the world of STEM at our annual Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology Day and Forensic Science Day (March 7, 2017), full of fun activities, lab tours, speakers and demonstrations. At STEM Summer Camp, you can spend four days and three nights on the GCU campus exploring STEM subjects and careers. STEMFest is another event where teams of high school students present a 3D STEM project.

Ready to start your journey in STEM? Learn more about STEM degrees at GCU by visiting our website or contacting us using the Request More Information form at the top of the page.


  • “STEM Help Wanted.” Retrieved from changetheequation.org/stemdemand

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.