STEM Faculty Spotlight: Melissa Beddow

By Lily Cooper

Beddow headshot

One thing that Grand Canyon University takes pride in is our family atmosphere. Right when you step on campus, you are immediately connected. Between the energized games and the smiling faces, students never want to leave! Grand Canyon University is a great environment to be a part of, whether you are a student or a faculty member. Melissa Beddow, a faculty member in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology at GCU, enjoys every part of her job. Beddow is an associate professor and teaches forensic science, biology and chemistry courses.

For her, a typical day includes getting to work early, going to her office and checking emails. After, she reviews what she will be teaching that day and then heads to class. When asked what a successful day of teaching looks like, she replied, “I try to make it kind of a family environment. I love it when they [students] stop by my office hours, whether it’s for help with an assignment, advice on internships or job opportunities, or just to stop by and chat. They are the ones that really drive me to be successful. Because when they are successful, I am successful.”

Beddow’s favorite part about working at Grand Canyon University is that a good portion of the professors have worked in the real world. She states, “They actually worked out in the field and are now bringing expertise into the classroom.” This allows the faculty to not just teach content, but also bring real-world application into the lessons. Students highly benefit from this because they don’t just sit in a classroom listening to a professor speak, but instead they learn how they can apply what they are learning into their career.

Hear more about Melissa Beddow’s experience as a faculty member at GCU by watching this video:

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Written by Lily Cooper, a professional writing major at GCU.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.