Student Clubs with a Cause: Innovative Computer (iC)

students working on computers

Gifted. Committed. Invested.

Dr. Steve Powelson, an IT faculty member for the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, uses these three words to describe the Innovative Computing (iC) Club in the GCU Today feature, “Techies with Tender Hearts Give Computers, Skills to Community.”

The iC club is the meeting of passionate technology students and altruism—and these gifted techies recently refurbished, reprogrammed and redeployed 100 donated computers within the past year. In February 2016, iC donated these fully equipped desktops (with monitors, keyboards and mice) to four organizations dedicated to disadvantaged community members in Arizona.

This project is a mission work through technology, says Paul Rodriguez, the club’s president. It’s representative of GCU’s mission to foster positive generational change as a Christ-centered educational institution.

Members began this mission project in fall 2015, as soon as the club formed. GCU donated 100 OptiPlex computers and IBM donated the 100 monitors, keyboards and mice. The students installed the open-course operating system Linux Mint and remote communication capability. Each computer features the Innovative Computing (iC) logo and Bible verse: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” (1 John 4:7)

Previously, iC techies also remodeled an old-fashioned arcade game into a new gaming device and built a pet robot.

STEM Programs and Scholarships with a Higher Purpose 

At GCU, you’re not just participating in mission-focused extra-curricular clubs like iC and earning your degree, you’re serving a higher purpose. Interested in technology or engineering? Explore a career path in STEM in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology. STEM students at GCU develop the skills in-demand by the fast-growing professions in STEM fields. Yet, STEM students also learn from a curriculum aligned with our Christian worldview within a Christ-oriented academic environment. At GCU, this is the coexistence of faith and science.

We define the integration of faith and learning as a scholarly process of joining the knowledge of God and the universe to deepen understanding and advance inquiry throughout professional pursuits in science and STEM-related areas. We believe biblical revelation and scientific inquiry are complementary means of understanding our world. Faith helps shape complex thoughts, ideas and practice throughout scientific exploration and discovery. At GCU, career-readiness includes Christian convictions and science-faith inquiry within a faithful learning environment.

Nearly 50% of GCU students study STEM fields. We encourage these future innovators to enter the workforce to innovate and change the world for the common good.

GCU offers STEM scholarships for students who enroll in a computer science, information technology or engineering program. For information about this STEM scholarship and eligible degree programs, visit our website or contact us today using the Request More Information button. 

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.