10 Christmas Gifts You Can Afford on a College Budget

giving someone a Christmas gift

Christmas is getting closer every day and that means many students are probably already thinking about what to get their loved ones for the holidays. However, many students have difficulty finding gifts within their budget. College students are all living off limited funds, sometimes making it hard to afford gifts for friends and family. If you are in this situation, don’t worry! There are many gifts that are sure to show you care without breaking the bank!

1. A candy-filled mug

Everybody loves candy, and it’s inexpensive, which makes it even better. There are lots of cute holiday mugs that can be bought inexpensively online! Pair this with a nice note and you’ve got the perfect, cheap Christmas gift for a friend.

2. A GCU t-shirt

If you are ever stuck for gift ideas, GCU swag is always a good idea. The GCU Lope Shop has lots of t-shirts to choose from and many of them are on sale or under $20. Your relatives will love getting a shirt so they can represent GCU wherever they go!

3. A journal and pens

People use journals all the time for work, class and everything in between. Getting someone a journal and some nice pens is a great way to show someone you care while also giving them something practical.

4. A board game or card game

Games are always a lot of fun to play with your family and friends, so they make perfect gifts. Some games are pricey, but many are very affordable and you can play together for years to come.

5. Cookie mix in a jar

Another cheap gift, making up cookie mix in a jar is an easy way to make gifts for more than one friend at once. Layer all the dry ingredients for your cookies in a jar with a cute tag and you’re done!

6. Stationary

This is a perfect gift for friends and family in different states. By giving cards and envelopes, it invites your loved ones to write you letters when you’re apart! This is a great way to stay in touch.

7. A water bottle

Everyone needs a water bottle. Find a cool bottle online or pick one up at the Lope Shop! You could even put candy or nice notes inside the bottle for a more personalized touch.

8. Cool socks

Socks are a super sweet and fun gift. Find socks that show off the recipient’s personality and that’s all there is to it! This is a super easy gift that your friends will be sure to love!

9. A self-care basket

With a busy school, work or social schedule, it is easy to become stressed at times. That’s why anyone will enjoy a good mix of self-care products. These can include lotions, tea, bath bombs or snacks. Find a mix of things your loved one will enjoy and wrap them up in a festive basket or box!

10. Photos

One of the most sentimental gifts you can give is photos. Find photos of you and the recipient and get them printed to give as a gift. In a world where everything is digital, giving printed photos is a nice touch, and they can use them to decorate their room or to flip through and think of you.

If you want to read more about Grand Canyon University, please visit our website and be sure to take a look at all the GCU Lope Shop has to offer!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.