13 Things You Don’t Need to Bring to College

Van packed for college

A fun experience when it comes to transitioning from high school to college is the fun things you buy for your dorm room! You get to choose you colors and themes for your room and coordinate with your roommates on what the room will look like.

Some students buy too many things that they do not need or is not allowed at college. So to save you the time and money, we made a list of things you can take out of your shopping cart and use that money to buy more Chick-Fil-A.

Table of Contents:

1. 4 New Mugs

At the very least, buy one new mug. By the time you graduate, you will have accumulated so many mugs that you won’t know what to do with all of them. It’s a common present for college students so save the room and money because you will get enough mugs to last a lifetime by the time you leave Grand Canyon University.

2. Candles

Sorry to everyone who loves the smell of a good candle. They are a fire hazard and are not allowed in the rooms. However, there are some great alternatives that are much safer. You can get a plug-in smell, a room spray or a wax melt. Those alternatives have less of a chance of burning the whole dorm down.

3. Shower Caddie and Shoes

At Grand Canyon University, each dorm room gets their own bathroom so give a cheer to no communal showers! Therefore, you don’t need a caddie to carry your stuff or shower shoes to protect your feet. One less thing to fill up your bathroom.

4. Your Whole Closet

This can be hard for some, but you don’t want your closet to be overflowing with a seasonal wardrobe. Arizona is warm most of the year so pack light and bring clothes perfect for summer, with the occasional light jacket. It starts to get cold around the end of November, beginning of December which gives you time to bring home the summer stuff and trade it for your winter items (which is basically fall apparel elsewhere).

5. Iron and Ironing Board

It is a great idea in itself, but how often are you really going to take the time to iron your clothes? If you are someone who needs to have crisp and clean clothes, then by all means get one, but most college students are too busy running around to pull out an ironing board.

6. Toaster

Sorry to you toast lovers but toasters aren’t allowed in dorms. The good news is you can get toast from one of the Union restaurants for breakfast!

7. Crockpot

Another thing you won’t need that is also not allowed. You won’t want to take the time to make a meal and wait four hours for it to cook. If you are really craving a home cooked meal, go to Canyon 49 and try some of their tastiest meals!

8. A Printer

A majority of the time, classes at Grand Canyon University will turn in papers and projects online. Very rarely will you need a physical copy of an essay. Leave the heavy printer at home and if you really need to print something off, you can do so at the library on campus!

9. A Pet Fish

It can be fun at first to have a little friend with you at college, but as with all pets, they take responsibility. You have to remember to feed them and clean their tanks weekly. You also have to figure out what you’ll do when you leave for break.

Ditch the hassle and worries and just forgo the fish. You have your whole life to have a pet, and for first time college students, it is not the time.

10. Shower Curtain

The showers in the dorms and apartments have glass doors so you don’t need to bring a curtain. However, it’s important to collaborate with your future roommates to bring a shower rug!

11. Old High School T-Shirts

By the time you leave Grand Canyon University, you will have received so many free t-shirts that your wardrobe will be bleeding purple. During welcome week you already get one free t-shirt and no doubt throughout the year you will get more. So ditch the high school t-shirt and embrace your new lope identity.

12. Bed Risers

Grand Canyon University beds come with adjustable notches so you can move your bed up and down! Instead of spending the money on a bed riser, it might be worth your time and money to invest in a good Twin-XL comforter, and a set of durable pillows to last at least one year.

13. A Desk Chair

The dorms at GCU already come with a desk chair. A better investment might be in some chair cushions for your back since you might be spending a long time sitting.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.