The 2016 Presidential Campaign: Answering Freedom’s Call

By Kara Morrow

Larsa Rasho on GCU's campus

Many people around the world must live under the control of rulers that they had no power to elect. They have no rights when it comes to their government. Here in America, we are blessed with the privilege of electing both local and national government officials, but that privilege is often neglected, misused or unappreciated.

We can begin voting at the age of 18, and now as college students, we have the perfect opportunity to start getting involved in the political sphere and begin playing our role in the democratic process. Honors student Larsa Rasho has done just that during this semester by joining the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, in order to appreciate the freedoms she has and not take them for granted.

“Before the candidates even announced they were running last year, I knew I wanted to be involved in the 2016 election,” she said. “After all, it is my very first election being able to vote, and I knew I needed to be involved and see what it is like behind the scenes of a real presidential campaign.”

Rasho comes from a background of political involvement, and the history and communications double major aims to go into law, but that is not the only reason she decided to get involved in this campaign.

“We can’t let older generations keep deciding what our futures will entail just because we don’t vote and they do,” she said. “The percentage of young people who vote is not nearly as high as it should be, and that is not the goal. Many young people believe that their vote doesn’t count or matter, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Through this experience, Rasho has learned not only how important every vote is, but many other valuable skills as well. She has learned how the voting process works, the ins and outs of campaign work and the incomprehensible amount of work it takes to get a candidate elected. She has also learned much about Arizona itself and the individual aspects it takes on during elections.

Most importantly, she has a lot learned a lot about herself. “It’s tough work, but you build character and become a quick learner. It’s made me a more confident person. You really have to have at least some bit of confidence when you’re calling up people you’ve never spoken to before or knocking on their doors.” From all of these experiences, she has been taken out of her comfort zone, but it is all worth it for the price of democracy.

On a typical day, Rasho can be found entering data into the voter database, phone banking, canvassing and staffing special events. Through these special events, she has met and seen people like FLOTUS Michelle Obama, Mayor Greg Stanton and Senator Tim Kaine. These experiences have made it all worth it in Rasho’s mind. “Juggling school, my job on campus and now the campaign, is not easy, but I would be in the office much more if I could be!”

Rasho is passionate about the impact college-age students can have on our country and she understands that every single person counts.

“Getting involved in politics is a big step. It’s not the arena for someone who wants every day to be smooth sailing, but it is so enjoyable and rewarding. I would recommend everyone get involved with at least one campaign during their lifetime, because it’s such a unique and educating experience.”

The American system works because the people get involved. As soon as apathy sets in, the nation stands in danger of falling apart. The greatest threat to our freedom comes from within. Rasho recognizes these concerns and urges students, “If you don’t like how your government is run or are against specific issues, GET INVOLVED. I always say that you cannot complain about America’s issues if you do not participate in its democratic process. It’s here for a reason.”

So honors students, step up and get involved. You are not too young to make an impact on this great country. In fact, the decisions made in government now will impact us for the rest of our lives as we enter the work field and begin having families. Larsa Rasho is doing something with her freedoms.

Will you?

The Grand Canyon University Honors College offers an academically enriching experience for ambitious and passionate students. Learn more about the Honors College by visiting our website or contacting us today using the Request More Information button.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.