4 Ways to Start Researching Your Future Career

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An important part of pursuing an education, especially as an ambitious honors student, is conducting research about your desired career. Even if you already know what job you want after graduation, it is important to be able to make informed decisions about your future. Here are four ways to get started with your research.

1. Find a Role Model

Understanding the career journey of someone with a job you would like can provide a potential blueprint for your own path. For some, this person will be someone they connect with through Honors programs like the Professional, Academic and Career Boot Camp, but it can be just as easy to find a higher-profile role model online. For example, an aspiring writer can find an article in a genre that they would like to write and read more about the author’s qualifications and previous publications. LinkedIn is a great tool for this as it can provide a look into the career of someone who ended up where you want to be.

2. Use the Bureau of Labor Statistics

This fact-finding agency is one of the prime resources for learning more information about dozens of different occupation groups. With the Occupational Outlook Handbook on bls.gov, students can locate their career field and find a general job summary, median salary, necessary education levels, job outlook and more. This is a great resource for students who don’t know where to start with their research since it provides foundational knowledge on a large variety of career fields.

3. Network

The classes and internships you are participating in now are preparing you for your career, so make use of your resources and use them as an opportunity to speak with professors and working professionals that have knowledge and experience in your area. They are prime tools for answering any questions you may have.

4. Browse Job Posting Sites

Even if you aren’t currently searching for a job, looking at job postings online can help you get a good idea of what qualifications you’ll need for the type of position you want. Indeed has information on salary and necessary experience, while Glassdoor houses company reviews and interview questions as well.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.