5 New Year’s Resolutions for Honors Students

New Year's fireworks

The promise of a more successful, fun and fulfilling life serves as a great motivating factor as the New Year begins. With 2020 in full swing, here are five New Year’s resolutions that honors students should consider pursuing in the upcoming months.

1. Join a New Club

Honors students typically have no shortage of extracurricular activities going on at any given moment, but it’s never a bad idea to get out of your comfort zone and join a new club. If you’re interested in writing poems or fiction, consider Write On, a creative writing workshop that meets every Wednesday in 33-103 during Chapel hour. Or look into our variety of outreach clubs, in which students volunteer their time to give back to the community.

2. Become More Active

Some of the most popular resolutions revolve around exercise. Even a simple goal, such as going on a walk once a day, can be a great way to make a difference in your fitness routine. To take it to the next level, set aside time in the week to visit one of GCU’s multiple fitness centers, all stocked with state-of-the-art equipment. You can even combine the two of your resolutions by joining a physical activity-based club on campus, such as Psych Hike, a group of close-knit psychology majors that frequently go on group hikes.

3. Improve Your Resume

Sometimes, you can get so caught up with your various internships and jobs that you forget to document them in your resume. Graduation is on the horizon for some students, and a resume that captures your work and school experience in a way that appeals to employers can be one of the most important parts of securing a position after college. Even if you’re not graduating, an updated resume can be used when applying for upcoming summer jobs.

4. Budget Your Dining Dollars

Maybe 2020 will finally be the year that you don’t run out of dining dollars before the semester ends. There are plenty of inexpensive dining options on campus that sell tasty and healthy foods, and the GCU student app has a function that provides a suggested daily budget. If you stay on top of your spending from the very beginning, there’s less of a chance of going off the rails in the final weeks of the school year.

5. Invest in Others

Life is all about the relationships you form with others. Find some more ways to express your gratitude for the people in your life, whether it’s calling your parents every week or getting your friends a thoughtful gift on their birthday. No matter what year it is, giving thanks to your loved ones will never go out of style.

To learn more about the resources and community Grand Canyon University’s Honors College provides to our motivated and ambitious students, visit our website or click the Request More Information button on this page to get started on your journey to find your purpose.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.