5 Job Interview Tips

girl shaking someones hand and smiling

Good news! You have just received a call from a potential employer asking to set up an interview. All of the hard work you put into applying for your dream job has paid off.

So, what happens now? In today’s competitive job market, it is important to be able to stand out. For this reason, the interview process is extremely important in determining the future of your career.

While this process may seem intimidating, do not fear! Here are some job interview tips to keep in mind.

Do Plenty of Research

Before going into your job interview, it is important to do plenty of research about the company and position you are applying for. Conducting research will allow you to communicate to the interviewer what makes you a valuable candidate. The interviewer will likely expect you to have knowledge about the company and may ask why you want to work for this particular company. Therefore, it is important to know basic information such as when the company began, what the company’s mission is and what the company culture is like.

In addition, researching the position will allow you to sell yourself and tell the interviewer why your skill set would be valuable for the particular position. Because of technology, it is now easier than ever to conduct research before going into an interview. Be sure to take advantage of resources such as LinkedIn to find out more about the company and position you are applying for.

Take the Perspective of the Interviewer

Based on the research you have conducted, take the perspective of the interviewer. What are they looking for? What types of questions might they ask? Doing this will allow you to prepare for the job interview, and you can practice beforehand what you might say. A great way to prepare yourself is to write down a list of questions you think the interviewer will ask. You can then give this list to a friend or family member and have them ask you the questions in order to practice in a mock interview format.

Be Prepared

The day of the interview, there are several steps to take in order to be adequately prepared. First, dress for success. Choose clothing that is modest and appropriate for the organizational culture. Aim to convey professionalism in your apparel by wearing items that are clean, simple and not distracting. Remember, you want the employer to remember what you had to say rather than your attire.

Additionally, be sure to arrive at the interview 10-15 minutes early, as this shows you are prompt and prepared. Doing this also allows you to have some time to relax and focus before the interview begins. Finally, bring several printed copies of your resume, along with a pen and paper to take notes.

Have a Positive Attitude

It is important to have a positive attitude from the start of the interview. Show that you are enthusiastic and optimistic about the possibility of taking on the position, and express interest by listening to what the interviewer has to say. Listen to each question intently in order to ensure you understand it fully. This way, you will be able to answer to the best of your ability.

In addition, become aware of your nonverbal communication. Remember to make eye contact, have good posture and smile! Finally, express gratitude to the interviewer for giving you the opportunity. A great way to do this is by sending a thank you letter following the interview.

Be Authentic

The most important tip to keep in mind when going into a job interview is to be yourself! While you want to appeal to the interviewer, remember to stay true to yourself and your personality. Be confident in your skills and qualifications for the position, and this will be seen by the interviewer. It is normal to feel nervous, but turn this into positive energy by focusing on the exciting possibilities of what the interview could lead to.

Ultimately, the hard work you put into preparing for an interview will be rewarded. Be sure to keep these tips in mind when going into your interview, and you are likely to succeed!

Grand Canyon University’s Office of Career Services provides students with a variety of resources in order to prepare them for successful employment. To learn more about GCU, visit our website today!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.