5 Questions to Ask When Applying for College

girl wearing backpack and holding notebook

Applying for college can be a very exciting time! As you explore the possibilities that come with earning your education, it is important to ask questions to find out as much information as possible.

In order to plan for a successful future, it is helpful to be well-informed about all aspects of your college career. Here are five questions to ask when applying for college:

What are the Admission Criteria?

When applying for college, it is important to determine what the admission criteria are to become a student. Depending on the school, there may be a high school grade point average (GPA) and/or SAT/ACT score requirement.

In addition, some college applications require an essay, letters of recommendation or even an interview in order to be accepted. Be sure to look into the admission criteria of colleges you are interested in so you can be prepared to apply!

How Can I Finance My Education?

Cost is an important factor to consider in earning your college education, so it is important to explore your options when it comes to tuition and financing. Depending on the school, you may have opportunities to earn scholarships. In addition, depending on your family’s financial situation, you may qualify for government loans and grants to help pay for your education.

Are the Professors Knowledgeable and Supportive?

The professors you have in college can be a great resource both during your time as a student and as you enter the working world. The knowledge and insight you gain from them can be very valuable as you go into your field of interest and pursue employment. For this reason, it is important to ensure the leadership at your college of choice is qualified and available to help you during your academic journey.

What Degree Programs are Available?

Exploring the available degree programs is an essential step in choosing a college to attend. It is important to look into the different programs that are offered by the school and to determine if they have a program that interests you.

In addition, it is important to look into the quality of the school’s programs. Are the courses taught by knowledgeable professionals? Are graduates able to find employment in their field? These are all factors to consider when applying to college.

What is Campus Life Like?

Participating in campus life can be an enjoyable part of your college experience. As you become involved in a community and build friendships, you make memories that will last a lifetime. Living on campus provides the ultimate convenience, and you can enjoy the community that comes with living in a dorm or apartment with other students.

Additionally, being involved on campus can allow you to participate in intramural sports, attend social events and join a club or organization. For these reasons, be sure to look into what the campus life is like at the colleges you are considering.

If you are looking for a college that makes affordable tuition a priority, offers a wide variety of degree programs taught by knowledgeable faculty and has a vibrant campus life, Grand Canyon University is a great choice. To learn more about GCU, visit our website or contact us using the Request More Information button at the top of the page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.