5 Tips for Overcoming Homesickness in College

Sad young woman

It’s natural to feel homesick for the first few weeks of college. It can be weird to be so far away from your family and living in a new environment. You have to get used to a new area, new people and sharing a room with strangers. We all have these moments of homesickness, so just know that you’re not alone. It doesn’t last very long and that feeling will go away eventually.

In the meantime, here are some great tips to combat the homesickness:

Call Your Mom

It’s as simple as calling home and talking to your mom. She will be thrilled that you’re calling and want to talk to you for hours. Sometimes all you need is to hear her on the other end of the phone to get over the initial homesickness. Maybe you can talk her into sending you a cute care package too while you’re at it.

Stay Busy

The homesickness always settles in when you are just sitting dormant in your room. Get out and explore your surroundings either by yourself, with your roommates or a friend you met in class! It’s a great time to get to know each other and the city you’ll be in for the next few months. Check out the cute coffee places and key food hot spots!

Keep Some Home Comforts Nearby

Have some things that remind you of home nearby! It can be a favorite teddy bear, a photo of your family or anything that reminds you of home! You can cook a meal that makes you think of them or make a decoration that has to do with your home. Even have your mom send you a photo every day of your dog. That alone will be enough to make you crack a smile.

Stay Active

It can be tempting to just stay in your room, eating a bunch of junk food, however, it will just make you feel worse. Dust yourself off and put on your exercise clothes and work out at the gym. It will keep you healthy, busy and help you fight off sickness!

Go to an Event

There is always something going on at school. Whether it be a game or fun karaoke, it is something you should definitely check out. At Grand Canyon University, there are many activities going on. We have games, clubs, intramural sports and more!

Feeling homesick doesn’t feel too good, but everyone gets it from time-to-time. Utilize these strategies and you’ll be feeling better in no time!

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