5 Ways to Celebrate Christ This Holiday Season

Mary and Joseph and baby figurine on Bible

Christmas is most everyone’s favorite time of year and while it can be extremely busy, it is also lots of fun. In the midst of all the celebrations and parties, it can be easy to lose sight of the real reason we celebrate Christmas at all.

While nicely-wrapped presents, glittering trees, and delicious foods are exciting, they are not the heart of what the season is all about. Christmas is about Christ. It literally has “Christ” in the name! While many of us have heard the Christmas story over and over, it is important not to become calloused or numb to the beauty and significance of Christ becoming fully man.

We need to remember the true meaning of Christmas, and really give it thought and reverence because it is part of our story as Christians. So how should we go about keeping the “Christ” in Christmas this year?

1. Decorations

Everyone likes to decorate for the season, but what if your decorations could glorify God? This year, maybe you can opt-out of the inflatable Santa in your front yard and try a nativity scene instead. Your decorations might not be converting people who walk by, but it will stand out and point those who see it back to Christ.

2. Going to church

Many Christians and non-Christian alike flock to church during the holiday season. While going to church might feel like an obligation, it is vitally important. Gathering with other believers to worship God and hear the Christmas story is a great way to celebrate Christ. Don’t go to church because you have to, go because it is a time to refocus yourself on the most important part of Christmas.

3. Reading the story

Both reading the story in church and reading it on your own are great ways to remind yourself of what we’re really celebrating. Even if you’ve been reading the same story for years, God can reveal new things even through stories you’ve read hundreds of times. Don’t underestimate God’s power to expose new messages through the same strings of words.

4. Fellowship

Fellowship is so important, especially during the holidays. It is important to fellowship with believers all the time, and no one wants to be alone on Christmas, but fellowshipping with other believers in church or even at a Christmas party can help expel doubt and remind you that you are not alone in your beliefs.

5. Praying

One of the best ways to celebrate Christ this year is to pray. Praise Him for all the blessings in your life and thank Him for sending Jesus to Earth as a man to save us all.

So this year, wherever you are, take a minute to reflect on why we are celebrating Christmas at all, and how we can best glorify God this holiday season.

Grand Canyon University is committed to glorifying God in all things. If you would like to learn more about GCU’s Christian identity and heritage or would like to read more devotionals please visit our website and check out the GCU Blog.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.