#AskGCU: What is the Best Way to Make Friends on Campus?

By Allison Richmond

group of students walking

This week on #AskGCU, Julian and the Ask GCU team set out to find the best ways to make friends on campus.

Some easy ways to get started are to compliment people and start conversations in the elevators! You can also exchange social media information to help you keep in touch after meeting. This way, you can see what your new friends are up to and plan to hang out with them later.

The crew also suggest meeting people in line. If you’re waiting in line, try to start up a conversation with the people around you and if the conversation goes well, share information and make plans.

One student at GCBC also suggested buying someone coffee and just sitting down to talk to them. Whatever you chose to do, just remember to be yourself and put yourself out there. There are lots of students on campus and lots of opportunities to make connections!

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Watch the full #AskGCU video here:

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.