#AskGCU: Where is the Best Wi-Fi on Campus?

By Allison Richmond

students doing homework

The #AskGCU team is back this week to tell you where to get the best Wi-Fi on GCU’s campus. To test it out, Julian and his crew used a Wi-Fi app to test the strength of the Wi-Fi at different spots on campus.

Their first stop was the Grove, where the Wi-Fi ranking was about a 17. That’s a fairly good ranking, despite the many complaints freshmen have about the spotty service. GCU’s tech department tries their best to provide the best Wi-Fi all over campus.

The next place the team went was the Antelope Gym bathrooms. The Wi-Fi here was down at about a 14 on the scale, making it worse than the Grove, but still pretty good. Although, we don’t recommend doing your DQs in the bathroom.

After the gym, the #AskGCU crew went to the library, where the Wi-Fi was at 18 on the Wi-Fi scale. This was the best Wi-Fi so far and probably the best place on campus to get your homework done.

At the next spot on campus, GCU Stadium, the team got a solid 15 on the scale, making it a strong Wi-Fi contender, whereas at the next spot, Qdoba, the Wi-Fi was at a 4, an all-time low. If you are looking for good Wi-Fi, Qdoba is definitely not the place to go.

In the end, it seems that the library is the best place to go for fast and reliable Wi-Fi all day long. If you don’t believe us, get a Wi-Fi tracker app and try it out for yourself!

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Watch the full #AskGCU video here:

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.