Become Equipped for Success with Honors F.L.I.G.H.T. Mentorship Program

two studnHonors F.L.I.G.H.T. Mentorship Program

College is a time for students to immerse themselves in their studies and chase their dreams. It is the time to discover what drives them to succeed, but where does one even begin? There are so many paths to choose from that oftentimes it ends up making students feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, GCU offers helpful programs that provide guidance for students and offer help with the first steps to a successful college life.

The Freshman Leadership Initiative to Gain Honors Tenacity (F.L.I.G.H.T) is a program that helps students achieve their full academic and professional potential. In this program, lowerclassmen are paired with an upperclassmen mentor with the same major as them. This allows for the mentor to be able to give informed guidance for the student’s specific field. Students benefit from this program because it offers detailed insight on what to expect in their respective field, and what internships or workshops students should be participating in.

Not only that, this program gives students an upper hand in their fields of study, because through F.L.I.G.H.T, students will learn about growing professionally as well as academically. They will be exposed to many events and resources that will help them build outstanding resumes. Mentors will not only provide a sense of comfort and ease with college stress, but will give them the inside scoop of what will truly make them stand out and thrive.

College can be scary, but the apprehension can only be eased with participation a program that can help with all of the transitions, from learning how to be independent to balancing school with your personal life. A mentor is one of the most important things that a successful college student can have, and getting started is simple: to sign up, email the Honors College, attend a F.L.I.G.H.T seminar and schedule a meeting with your mentor! Grabbing coffee and sitting down with your mentor is the first step to figuring out a solid academic game plan, then everything else can start falling in place. Some students have admitted that they were surprised by how much of a positive impact taking advantage of all of their college resources, like internships and networking opportunities, did for them.

F.L.I.G.H.T is a wonderful mentoring opportunity that lasts as long as the student needs it, so freshman can have access all year long! Consider how helpful would it be to already have a set path at the beginning of your college career instead of never knowing what to expect. Having a clear picture of what you want for your career will feed into your ambition, which will in turn help you get through college with and land the perfect job.

No one said college would be easy, but don’t let it stop you for chasing your dreams. Instead, join F.L.I.G.H.T, a program focused entirely on students’ needs that can help you become better equipped, open doors and prepare you for the outside world.

To learn more about GCU’s Honors College and the opportunities it provides for its motivated and ambitious students, visit our website or use the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.