Finding Tatum’s Purpose: Clubs on Campus

Tatum playing a drum at a campus club

In high school, I always imagined what clubs in college would be like. Movies like “Pitch Perfect” created expectations in my mind. Now that I’m in college, I realize they are nothing like they are in the movies… but in a good way.

So, I tried out two clubs on campus.

One was centered on learning how to play bongo drums and another on writing and sharing literary works. Both were extremely fun to participate in and taught me a lot about myself in the process.

The bongo club was the first one I tried and I wasn’t sure of what to anticipate. In high school, I played different instruments like the flute, tuba and guitar, but I had never played a percussion instrument before. So, my friend and I went to check it out. The person in charge of the club is actually a professor at GCU who picked up bongo playing years ago. He taught us the correct way to hit the bongo with your hand and how it is an instrument you can play freely while enjoying the company of other people. This club was a great way to meet other people while trying something new. If you’re free Wednesday mornings, the club meets at 11:15 am!

I went to the literary club with a couple of my friends, and only a vague idea of what to expect. The club, Friends of the Pen, meets every Thursday at 8 pm in the Commuter Lounge. We were split into groups and assigned a place on campus where we had to write a poem, story or song and draw a picture to go along with the setting of our location. Then we had to share our work with the club and people had to try and guess where we were on campus. It was really fun to hear each groups’ perspective. After that, we played charades with book titles. That was one of my favorite activities that night because it was funny to see everyone trying to motion the words of the book title. I did pretty well on both ends of charades, if I do say so myself.

All the clubs I went to were a blast. There are plenty of other clubs to try out to find one that best fits you.

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There are many different clubs on campus. Learn more about them and follow my journey through my college experience at Grand Canyon University! Learn more about GCU by clicking the Request More Information button on this page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.