Finding Tatum’s Purpose: A Day in the Life of a College Student

A day in the life of a college student is definitely never boring. I am always on the move! Class, work, homework, volunteering and hanging out with my friends constantly keep me busy.
One particular jam-packed day was no exception. I woke up early with the goal to accomplish a lot. I got ready and then left my apartment to get my day going. My first stop was Subway to get some fuel before running around campus. (I got a footlong sub and here’s a college student tip: The best thing about ordering a footlong is that you can save one half for later!)
I moved on to attend a meeting for an activity that I volunteer for called Thunder Vision. This was the first meeting of the year, so I got excited seeing what’s in store for the entire year.
After the meeting was over, I headed back to my apartment to start on some homework before class. It’s not easy to find a long period of time to dedicate to homework, so it’s better to work on it in intervals over time before the due date (college student tip no. 2).
Next, I had to film for work, which took up the rest of the time that I had before class. Two of my campus classes are from noon to 3 pm every other day. Once my second class was over, I stayed focused and went to my apartment to work on more homework.
Eventually I was absolutely exhausted and ready to relax. I ate dinner to refuel my energy and went to my friend’s apartment. Wearing my favorite teddy bear slippers, we watched “Beauty and the Beast” on Netflix. Snacks are a necessity of course! We goofed around sliding around the floor in our socks and slippers as popcorn popped. After the movie’s happily ever after ending, I headed back home and finally got ready for bed, ending my day.
Not all of my days are as hectic as this one, as some are busier than others, but I wouldn’t want it any other way!
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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.