Finding Tatum’s Purpose: Girls’ Day!

By Tatum Sorrelman

Tatum doing her makeup

Hanging out with my friends has always been something that I love to do. Whenever we’re together, no matter what we’re doing, we always have fun. This time around was no exception! We wanted to mix things up from what we normally do so we decided to have a girls’ day. This meant having a spa party, trying a new talent and eating dinner together.

Our spa day started with getting our toes done. Then we went to the store and bought all types of spa essentials. We went back to the house and tried out all of our newly purchased goodies. The face masks are always a challenge for my friends and me because it’s difficult to keep a straight face while putting the face mask on and keeping it in position. It’s actually one of my favorite parts of a spa day, though, because we end up laughing uncontrollably! We also had fun with nose strips and steam, but the face mask was the best.

Once the evening came, we had dinner together and it was amazing. Afterward, we started our new talent part of the evening, which was learning how to paint. We all picked a picture and got our paintbrushes moving. Each person’s art was different and unique to her personality, which was one of the coolest parts of painting. Girls’ day was one for the books. We all had a great time together!

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Keep checking back for more videos and blogs. I’ll keep keeping you updated about my journey here at Grand Canyon University!

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.