Finding Tatum’s Purpose: Moving into My On-Campus Apartment!

By Tatum Sorrelman

Tatum sitting on a bench on campus

Moving into my dorm was extremely exciting! This year, I am in an on-campus apartment, which means I have a room all to myself! Never in my life have I had my own room – my sister and I have always shared a room and last year I had a roommate. It’s so nice to have my own space! Plus, one of the other nice things about having an on-campus apartment is there is a full kitchen. I can cook my own food and learn new recipes instead of always buying food out! 

Moving in was crazy. I didn’t move during Welcome Week so I didn’t have help from the Welcome Week crew, but I did have my family, thankfully. However, setting up stuff in my apartment was more difficult than we thought it would be; by the time we finished putting my desk together, we were all frustrated.

It’s bittersweet to be back on campus – I’m excited to be super close to my friends and to be able to attend all of the campus activities again! But of course, moving back in means being away from my family and friends back home. I do miss them but it’s not as intense as it was my freshman year.

It’s nice to be in a place where everyone is so psyched about the school they go to. There are students all over campus walking around, studying, eating, laughing and spending time together. I am so happy I am a part of that again!

I am also excited to attend all of the sporting events this year! Being able to stand in the crowd with all of my friends is something I missed over the summer and I can’t wait to start up again. It is an amazing experience to be a part of a university that has so much school spirit. Sitting in the student section is crazy, but in a good way!

I am looking forward to my classes this year, too. Thanks to all the courses I took before my freshman year, I am graduating a year early. So, although I am only 19, I will be graduating next year. This means that I am taking classes that are very specific to my major and that is something I am thrilled about. I am no longer taking classes that are necessary for every major and I am getting deep into my field of study. This makes class 10 times more interesting and it makes going to class something that I love to do rather than something I don’t want to do.

This school year is going to be amazing and I hope that all of you guys have a fantastic start to your year!

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I’m so excited to back at GCU! Read all about my GCU experience on the GCU Blogs Network and see it for yourself on the GCU YouTube channel.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.