Finding Tatum’s Purpose: That’s a Wrap on Freshman Year!

By Tatum Sorrelman

A collage of Tatum's freshman year memories

My freshman year of college was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced – I tried so many new things that made my first year a year to remember.

Moving into a dorm was the first of many new things that would set the stage for my year to come. It was challenging to live with roommates but it changed me for the better. My first year also brought many new people into my life. As a freshman, it was scary for me to go out of my comfort zone and meet new people. Although it was difficult, the outcome was amazing and I met the most incredible friends who I created a remarkable school year with. We did many things together such as basketball games, day tripping to Sedona, working out and just enjoying our time together. My friends helped me create memories that will last a lifetime.

Along with my friends, my family supported me through all my adventures even though I lived on campus. They visited me a lot and were able to participate in several campus activities with me such as Family Weekend, soccer games, basketball games and showing them the ropes of GCU.

Through my experiences at GCU, I also gained a newfound confidence in myself that I didn’t know I had. I did a lot of things on my own, which was new for me. Attending dorm events solo or going to get dinner alone strengthened me as a person. It taught me that doing things alone, although it may feel awful, is good for you. It taught me a lot about myself that I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

My freshman year was full of praying, singing, laughter, crying, cheering, thinking, exploring and eating. And of course I had homework through all of it! Ha ha.

I’m very excited for my sophomore year. I can’t wait to see and hang out with all of my friends again. It’s also really comforting to know that I already have a year of college done so I know what to expect. I’m thrilled to be moving into the next chapter of my academic journey.

All of you future freshman out there, you’re in for an adventure.

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I’ll be back this fall to tell you more about my GCU experience. In the meantime, be sure to check out all of my videos and blogs from freshman year by visiting and

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited were accurate as of the publish date.